US Missile Defense Systems - Can They Save Our Defense Industry From Massive Budget Cuts
It seems that everyone wants a missile defense system these days.
In some regards it pays to have rogue nation-states like North Korea, Iran, Syria, and groups of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah threatening their neighbors and world peace - it is specially pays for those military defense companies which produce missile defense systems.
The United States has sold an amazing number of missile defense systems to our allies.
In fact, any time there is a conflict in the world more orders come rushing in, and then we must decide who should be allowed to have these systems, and which nation-states ought to be denied in order to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
Right now, it appears that Taiwan, the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, and even Vietnam are interested in these missile defense technologies.
Those nations are concerned with China's growing maritime power and aggressive stance towards what they believe to be territorial waters off the coasts.
South Korea has also been worried about North Korea ever since they fired upon that island which is in dispute.
The UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Israel are all concerned with the short range and perhaps semi long-range capability of ICBMs that Iran now has.
Israel is worried about Hamas and Hezbollah firing rockets into their territory, especially bigger industrial grade missiles such as the Fajr 3 and Fakr 5 which are Iranian missile technology.
Space War Online News had an interesting article on November 20, 2012; "Turkey Says Will Seek NATO Patriot Missiles As Soon As Possible," which stated; "Turkey said that it will formally ask the alliance for Patriot missiles to protect its border with conflict-wracked Syria.
Patriots are a precautionary measure, for defense in particular.
" Of course, Iran has spies in places like Iraq, Turkey, and other places.
If we allow all nations to have our Patriot missile system for protection, then Iran will have such technologies too, which could become a problem for the United States if someday we are forced to stop their nuclear weapon production using military force.
Whereas, every nation has the right to defend itself, including Turkey, which does wish to stay militarily aligned with the West - as they rightfully should - you can see the challenges afoot.
Interestingly enough, this couldn't come at a better time for the US defense industry amid the severe budget cuts which are expected and/or which may occur if sequestration goes into effect if Congress can't get their act together and we go sliding off the fiscal cliff, with our feet on the brake pedal and our right-handed ratcheting up the emergency brake.
Please consider all this and think on it.
In some regards it pays to have rogue nation-states like North Korea, Iran, Syria, and groups of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah threatening their neighbors and world peace - it is specially pays for those military defense companies which produce missile defense systems.
The United States has sold an amazing number of missile defense systems to our allies.
In fact, any time there is a conflict in the world more orders come rushing in, and then we must decide who should be allowed to have these systems, and which nation-states ought to be denied in order to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
Right now, it appears that Taiwan, the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, and even Vietnam are interested in these missile defense technologies.
Those nations are concerned with China's growing maritime power and aggressive stance towards what they believe to be territorial waters off the coasts.
South Korea has also been worried about North Korea ever since they fired upon that island which is in dispute.
The UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Israel are all concerned with the short range and perhaps semi long-range capability of ICBMs that Iran now has.
Israel is worried about Hamas and Hezbollah firing rockets into their territory, especially bigger industrial grade missiles such as the Fajr 3 and Fakr 5 which are Iranian missile technology.
Space War Online News had an interesting article on November 20, 2012; "Turkey Says Will Seek NATO Patriot Missiles As Soon As Possible," which stated; "Turkey said that it will formally ask the alliance for Patriot missiles to protect its border with conflict-wracked Syria.
Patriots are a precautionary measure, for defense in particular.
" Of course, Iran has spies in places like Iraq, Turkey, and other places.
If we allow all nations to have our Patriot missile system for protection, then Iran will have such technologies too, which could become a problem for the United States if someday we are forced to stop their nuclear weapon production using military force.
Whereas, every nation has the right to defend itself, including Turkey, which does wish to stay militarily aligned with the West - as they rightfully should - you can see the challenges afoot.
Interestingly enough, this couldn't come at a better time for the US defense industry amid the severe budget cuts which are expected and/or which may occur if sequestration goes into effect if Congress can't get their act together and we go sliding off the fiscal cliff, with our feet on the brake pedal and our right-handed ratcheting up the emergency brake.
Please consider all this and think on it.