How to Properly Please a Woman - Everything You Ever Needed to Know About the Clitoris and G-Spot
A lot of men think that they know everything about the female orgasm but they are very wrong.
For example, did you know that it takes a woman about 30 minutes to reach her maximum level of sexual arousal? It only takes a man about 2-5 minutes to reach that level, so therefore, a lot is to be learned about how to properly please a woman.
You need to relearn everything you thought you knew about the female orgasm, because chances are it is probably wrong.
You are going to everything about the clitoris and the g-spot, where both are located and how you need to stimulate each in order to make her climax.
The clitoris is the easiest to locate because it is on the outside of the body.
The clitoris is right on her pubic bone and it is on an angle towards the opening of the vagina.
It is between the labia majora and minora and it is on the top, towards her stomach.
You can visibly locate the clitoris so this makes your job a lot easier.
To touch the clitoris, you have to be extremely gentle which is why most men stimulate the clitoris with their tongues during oral sex.
This is the perfect way to please her and to get her to reach climax.
The g-spot is a bit more difficult to master because you cannot see it.
The g-spot is located inside of her body and it is on the top of the vaginal wall.
If you were to insert 1 or 2 fingers inside of her, and you move your fingers in a "come here" motion, you will feel the g-spot.
It is the size of a walnut and it is dense in texture.
It is a bit spongy to the touch and it requires a rougher touch than the clitoris.
Now you know that you must be gentle with her clitoris and rough with her g-spot.
This makes it easier for you to know how to properly please her, but remember, it is going to require some patience.
You won't always be able to make her orgasm in less than a few minutes; sometimes it is going to take longer.
In order to please her to her fullest potential, you have to be willing to be pleasing her for a long time, even up to an hour.
Never become frustrated and always make her feel comfortable and this is how you are going to give a woman great pleasure.
For example, did you know that it takes a woman about 30 minutes to reach her maximum level of sexual arousal? It only takes a man about 2-5 minutes to reach that level, so therefore, a lot is to be learned about how to properly please a woman.
You need to relearn everything you thought you knew about the female orgasm, because chances are it is probably wrong.
You are going to everything about the clitoris and the g-spot, where both are located and how you need to stimulate each in order to make her climax.
The clitoris is the easiest to locate because it is on the outside of the body.
The clitoris is right on her pubic bone and it is on an angle towards the opening of the vagina.
It is between the labia majora and minora and it is on the top, towards her stomach.
You can visibly locate the clitoris so this makes your job a lot easier.
To touch the clitoris, you have to be extremely gentle which is why most men stimulate the clitoris with their tongues during oral sex.
This is the perfect way to please her and to get her to reach climax.
The g-spot is a bit more difficult to master because you cannot see it.
The g-spot is located inside of her body and it is on the top of the vaginal wall.
If you were to insert 1 or 2 fingers inside of her, and you move your fingers in a "come here" motion, you will feel the g-spot.
It is the size of a walnut and it is dense in texture.
It is a bit spongy to the touch and it requires a rougher touch than the clitoris.
Now you know that you must be gentle with her clitoris and rough with her g-spot.
This makes it easier for you to know how to properly please her, but remember, it is going to require some patience.
You won't always be able to make her orgasm in less than a few minutes; sometimes it is going to take longer.
In order to please her to her fullest potential, you have to be willing to be pleasing her for a long time, even up to an hour.
Never become frustrated and always make her feel comfortable and this is how you are going to give a woman great pleasure.