Traditional African Patterns in Painting
- Primative rock paintings depict human and animal Images
The style and composition of African rock paintings are easily discernable between the north, central and southern regions. Rock paintings and engravings in the southern region are frequently associated with cultural activities and shamanic religious worship. Most of the rock paintings have been credited to the San people, who were a nomadic people that hunted and gathered for survival. Rock paintings depict symbols of dancers, hunters and warriors. Rock paintings have been dated as recently as the late 19th century. Pigments of red, white and black were used in rock paintings. - Many San paintings represent religious healing ceremonies.Jupiterimages/ Images
The symbolic nature of the San paintings have been studied extensively. San paintings contain attention to detail, shading and fluid movement. Some of the most recent San paintings include graphic detail of the death of a large antelope. Paintings of heads in profile, some wearing a headdress, are believed to be depictions of shamans in transformation to the spirit world. Symbolic paintings by the San range in subject. Some show men with weapons. An underwater scene includes humans, buffalo and a snake. Humans are accompanied by cattle. In a religious healing ritual, the healers are painted in various states of consciousness. - In a southern African village women decorate their homes with elaborate geometric patterns.Hemera Technologies/ Images
In a small area of South Africa, women honor the tradition of painting the exterior of their houses with bright geometric patterns. Patterns and symbols are taken from traditional beadwork designs and enlarged to cover entire walls. The patterns are expressions of identity, hopes, prayers and important milestones. The straight lines of the geometric patterns are painted freehand. A straight line represents a heart that is pure. A triangle designates a higher power. Prayer may be specified with a zigzag pattern. Traditionally, wall paintings were painted in yellows, browns and black. Now, commercial paint is used, but frequently the traditional colors are observed. - People in Africa adorn themselves in bright colors, beads and geometric patterns.Jupiterimages/ Images
In the Sudan of northeastern Africa, people chose to use the body as a canvas. Body painting is a very personal expression of art. Men paint their bodies with ochre and ash and draw patterns into the paint to create intricate designs over their bodies. The process is symbolic, giving strength to young warriors. Each day a new layer of paint is applied and designs drawn. Just beyond the Sudan, African men paint their faces to enhance beauty and frighten their enemies. Flowers and geometric patterns adorn the faces of the girls. Patterns of lines and dots and geometric shapes are common body art patterns.
Rock Painting
San Paintings
Wall Painting
Body Painting