How to Get a Retro Game Collection
- 1). Search secondhand stores. Thrift stores are known for their hidden treasures, and as new video game systems replace the old, many people donate the outdated versions to make room in their house for the upgrades. Ask workers at your local thrift shop when they put out new inventory and make a point to frequent the shop early that day or the day after. Some shops do not have an organized system, so games might not be stacked in alphabetical order.
- 2). Research online. Look at sites such as Craigslist, eBay and Racket Boy to see what retro games are available. Search for a game by name or do a blanket search for "video game" or for the gaming system you're using, such as "Sega," Super Nintendo" or "Atari."
- 3). Scour flea markets. Flea markets tend to pop up at different spots and times throughout good-weather months, and you never know what you might find. Go early in the morning, right when the market opens, to ensure the best chance of finding a retro game gem.
- 4). Barter and haggle. Don't pass up a retro video game if you already have it -- buy it for later leverage. Use your extra game to trade for a game you're looking for that another collector has. Likewise, if a collector has a game that you think is too high-priced, offer a significantly lower number. If he is serious about selling the game, he will likely meet you somewhere in the middle.