Conquer Emotional Eating
If you're an emotional eater then you know how hard it can be to deal with the ups and downs in your life without devouring a bag of Oreos.
Following are a few tips I've learned while struggling with my own overeating problems.
They are simple but effective and may be the difference in you gaining control of your emotional eating or not 1.
Or simply put find some other way to channel whatever energy you have that you'd rather put into a pint of Haagen-Dazs, a bag of Oreos or whatever you favorite comfort food is.
I used to be a really angry person for a lot of different reasons.
Eating was one way to deal with that anger.
However I learned that exercise is the best way to deal with those bouts of anger.
Nothing mellowed me out faster then doing 20-30 minutes on the treadmill or punching a heavy bag or running.
The idea was to exhaust myself so that I wouldn't have time to worry or stress about what upset me.
Bargain with yourself.
Make a deal with yourself that says: If I eat all of the healthy foods (fruit, veggies, whole grains, etc.
) during the day, then I can eat ice cream after dinner as my reward.
Building sweet treats into your diet prevents you from binging on them later and gives you something to look forward too if you're having a particularly hard day.
Wait it out.
What I mean about this is that if you find that you're craving something to eat but know you're not really hungry give it 10-15 minutes before you indulge the craving.
Usually after you wait you'll find that the craving will pass.
Fighting your food cravings and emotional dependence on food is an ongoing battle.
It's not something that can be solved overnight but with determination and dedication you can concur your emotional eating and be all the healthier for it.
Following are a few tips I've learned while struggling with my own overeating problems.
They are simple but effective and may be the difference in you gaining control of your emotional eating or not 1.
Or simply put find some other way to channel whatever energy you have that you'd rather put into a pint of Haagen-Dazs, a bag of Oreos or whatever you favorite comfort food is.
I used to be a really angry person for a lot of different reasons.
Eating was one way to deal with that anger.
However I learned that exercise is the best way to deal with those bouts of anger.
Nothing mellowed me out faster then doing 20-30 minutes on the treadmill or punching a heavy bag or running.
The idea was to exhaust myself so that I wouldn't have time to worry or stress about what upset me.
Bargain with yourself.
Make a deal with yourself that says: If I eat all of the healthy foods (fruit, veggies, whole grains, etc.
) during the day, then I can eat ice cream after dinner as my reward.
Building sweet treats into your diet prevents you from binging on them later and gives you something to look forward too if you're having a particularly hard day.
Wait it out.
What I mean about this is that if you find that you're craving something to eat but know you're not really hungry give it 10-15 minutes before you indulge the craving.
Usually after you wait you'll find that the craving will pass.
Fighting your food cravings and emotional dependence on food is an ongoing battle.
It's not something that can be solved overnight but with determination and dedication you can concur your emotional eating and be all the healthier for it.