The Facts About Natrelle Breast Implants
A plastic surgery contribution from Allergan Inc.
back in 2006, Natrelle Breast Implants have become the most popular enhancement option available.
While a majority of women in the United States receive these implants every year, they may not be the right choice for everyone.
That being said, it is a good idea to know all the details before getting Natrelle Implants.
The Basics of Natrelle Breast Implants The implants are available in both saline and silicone, and can be used for breast augmentation and reconstruction.
Patients can choose from the standard silicone or cohesive gel implants--also known as gummy bear implants.
There are also a variety of sizes, shapes and textures to choose from, meaning Natrelle implants can adapt to many different body types.
The Benefits of Natrelle Implants These implants, as mentioned above, come in a range of sizes and shapes, making them extremely versatile.
More choices means that more women can use them in their breast enhancement surgery.
Also, Natrelle Implants have been studied and tested for a number of years, and they are considered one of the safest options for plastic surgery.
Surgeons have trusted this Allergan product to be an efficient breast enhancement option, creating stunning and natural-looking results that other implants cannot compare to.
If patients opt for the saline implants, they will require smaller incisions during surgery and less obvious post surgery scars.
Also, saline implants are easy to adjust, remove and insert, so patients can alter their breasts as necessary.
Natrelle Implants Risks and Side Effects As with any medical or cosmetic procedure, there are some possible side effects and serious risks that can occur with Natrelle Implants.
The silicone implants have a more natural feel due to the thick consistency, but this can complicate breast exams and even hinder lump detection.
Also, it may be difficult to detect a rupture with silicone implants.
Saline implants are safer, but they can have a jiggly and less natural feel to them, making them a less desirable option.
The additional risks and side effects of Natrelle Implants include infection, pain, swelling, bleeding, silent ruptures, hematomas, changes in breast or nipple sensitivity, capsular contraction and palpability.
However, most of these are generally mild if they occur at all.
Risks can be avoided by taking the proper steps to prepare for surgery and speaking with a certified plastic surgeon.
Who is a Good Candidate for Natrelle Implants? According to Allergan's official website, the implants are recommended for women over the age of 22, who are not pregnant or nursing.
Women who have an infection, an autoimmune disease or body dysmorphic disorder should not get Natrelle Implants.
Good candidates should be in good health and have realistic expectations about their breast enhancement surgery.
For those interested in getting Natrelle Implants, it's a good idea to speak with a professional cosmetic surgeon.
You can discuss your aesthetic goals and receive all the information you need about the procedure.
back in 2006, Natrelle Breast Implants have become the most popular enhancement option available.
While a majority of women in the United States receive these implants every year, they may not be the right choice for everyone.
That being said, it is a good idea to know all the details before getting Natrelle Implants.
The Basics of Natrelle Breast Implants The implants are available in both saline and silicone, and can be used for breast augmentation and reconstruction.
Patients can choose from the standard silicone or cohesive gel implants--also known as gummy bear implants.
There are also a variety of sizes, shapes and textures to choose from, meaning Natrelle implants can adapt to many different body types.
The Benefits of Natrelle Implants These implants, as mentioned above, come in a range of sizes and shapes, making them extremely versatile.
More choices means that more women can use them in their breast enhancement surgery.
Also, Natrelle Implants have been studied and tested for a number of years, and they are considered one of the safest options for plastic surgery.
Surgeons have trusted this Allergan product to be an efficient breast enhancement option, creating stunning and natural-looking results that other implants cannot compare to.
If patients opt for the saline implants, they will require smaller incisions during surgery and less obvious post surgery scars.
Also, saline implants are easy to adjust, remove and insert, so patients can alter their breasts as necessary.
Natrelle Implants Risks and Side Effects As with any medical or cosmetic procedure, there are some possible side effects and serious risks that can occur with Natrelle Implants.
The silicone implants have a more natural feel due to the thick consistency, but this can complicate breast exams and even hinder lump detection.
Also, it may be difficult to detect a rupture with silicone implants.
Saline implants are safer, but they can have a jiggly and less natural feel to them, making them a less desirable option.
The additional risks and side effects of Natrelle Implants include infection, pain, swelling, bleeding, silent ruptures, hematomas, changes in breast or nipple sensitivity, capsular contraction and palpability.
However, most of these are generally mild if they occur at all.
Risks can be avoided by taking the proper steps to prepare for surgery and speaking with a certified plastic surgeon.
Who is a Good Candidate for Natrelle Implants? According to Allergan's official website, the implants are recommended for women over the age of 22, who are not pregnant or nursing.
Women who have an infection, an autoimmune disease or body dysmorphic disorder should not get Natrelle Implants.
Good candidates should be in good health and have realistic expectations about their breast enhancement surgery.
For those interested in getting Natrelle Implants, it's a good idea to speak with a professional cosmetic surgeon.
You can discuss your aesthetic goals and receive all the information you need about the procedure.