Free Online Car Insurance Quote - When It"s Time to Make Claims, Avoid These
When you compare a free online car insurance quote before buying an auto insurance policy, everything is all sweet and straight forward.
What many have however come to discover is that things are not that sweet when it is time to make claims.
No insurance company is eager or happy to pay a claim.
They only do so if they can't see a way to wriggle out of it.
If they can't find a way to totally avoid paying, they would at least try to find a way to reduce what they would pay.
This means that your job does not stop when you buy your policy.
You need to learn what to do and what not to do if you have to make a claim.
One of the first things that would happen when you make a claim is that a claims investigator would try to find out reasons why the company won't pay at all or won't pay so much.
That is his/her job.
Knowing this should help you when the questions start.
The traps are in the questions and we would look at some of them just to give you an idea of how their mind works so you can avoid implicating yourself and getting conned out of your rightful settlement.
The rule of thumb here is - DO NOT GIVE UNNECESSARY INFORMATION! Let's look at some questions you may be asked.
a, Looking back, what do you think you could have done that would have averted this accident? Do not even think about answering this question.
You make the mistake of trying to impress the investigator with your driving knowledge or your great analytical powers.
Spare yourself the grief.
The question somehow implies that you did not do everything you could have done to avoid the accident which invariably means that the accident was avoidable but you didn't avoid it.
Do you then expect to be paid in full or at all if this is the case? Note that the more of the fault can be shifted to you, the less the settlement you would get from your claims.
Your answer should be simple and straight forward.
"There was nothing I could do to avoid the accident".
Do not analyze the accident.
DON"T! b, Do you have any pre-existing injuries? You can already smell the purpose of this question.
Your investigator would want to prove that your injuries were not as a result of the current accident.
If this is proven or even suspected, you could be jeopardizing your settlement.
Do not get into this subject even if you have a pre-exisiting injury.
Your safest exit from this is to let a doctor determine this.
Do not even let the investigator know that you have had an injury before.
You can simply say "I would like to get in touch with my doctor before talking about my injuries".
c, Can we have the names and addresses of the witnesses? In a law court, one of the things lawyers try to do is to either discredit a witness, confuse the witness or show the witness to be lying.
All these would have the same result - making the witness's statement not credible.
Your insurance company would try to question your witness not necessarily to get the truth but in many cases to put doubt in their minds and once they succeed in doing this, you claims would have suffered a serious set back.
You need to protect the identity of your witnesses for as long as possible.
You can therefore answer by saying ".
I would review the incident and once I have the information you need, I would get back to you".
There are many more trick questions that you may be asked so you need to be very alert when being asked these questions.
You also need to avoid speaking with the investigator if your mind agitated or not settled.
Knowing that the insurance investigator or adjusters would do all they can to save their company money.
Remember that for them, it is work.
The more they save for the company, the more they advance their own career so they are basically there for themselves and you need to be there for YOU.
If you have not gotten this stage, you can avoid the heartache of having insurance companies that would do everything to avoid settling claims.
You can do this if you take time to compare free online car insurance quote.
A free online car insurance quote can be gotten from quotes comparisons sites.
For best results, go for independent quotes comparison sites.
Do a proper comparison and you would greatly improve your chances of enjoying a great cover from an insurer that would not try to swindle you when you make a claim.
What many have however come to discover is that things are not that sweet when it is time to make claims.
No insurance company is eager or happy to pay a claim.
They only do so if they can't see a way to wriggle out of it.
If they can't find a way to totally avoid paying, they would at least try to find a way to reduce what they would pay.
This means that your job does not stop when you buy your policy.
You need to learn what to do and what not to do if you have to make a claim.
One of the first things that would happen when you make a claim is that a claims investigator would try to find out reasons why the company won't pay at all or won't pay so much.
That is his/her job.
Knowing this should help you when the questions start.
The traps are in the questions and we would look at some of them just to give you an idea of how their mind works so you can avoid implicating yourself and getting conned out of your rightful settlement.
The rule of thumb here is - DO NOT GIVE UNNECESSARY INFORMATION! Let's look at some questions you may be asked.
a, Looking back, what do you think you could have done that would have averted this accident? Do not even think about answering this question.
You make the mistake of trying to impress the investigator with your driving knowledge or your great analytical powers.
Spare yourself the grief.
The question somehow implies that you did not do everything you could have done to avoid the accident which invariably means that the accident was avoidable but you didn't avoid it.
Do you then expect to be paid in full or at all if this is the case? Note that the more of the fault can be shifted to you, the less the settlement you would get from your claims.
Your answer should be simple and straight forward.
"There was nothing I could do to avoid the accident".
Do not analyze the accident.
DON"T! b, Do you have any pre-existing injuries? You can already smell the purpose of this question.
Your investigator would want to prove that your injuries were not as a result of the current accident.
If this is proven or even suspected, you could be jeopardizing your settlement.
Do not get into this subject even if you have a pre-exisiting injury.
Your safest exit from this is to let a doctor determine this.
Do not even let the investigator know that you have had an injury before.
You can simply say "I would like to get in touch with my doctor before talking about my injuries".
c, Can we have the names and addresses of the witnesses? In a law court, one of the things lawyers try to do is to either discredit a witness, confuse the witness or show the witness to be lying.
All these would have the same result - making the witness's statement not credible.
Your insurance company would try to question your witness not necessarily to get the truth but in many cases to put doubt in their minds and once they succeed in doing this, you claims would have suffered a serious set back.
You need to protect the identity of your witnesses for as long as possible.
You can therefore answer by saying ".
I would review the incident and once I have the information you need, I would get back to you".
There are many more trick questions that you may be asked so you need to be very alert when being asked these questions.
You also need to avoid speaking with the investigator if your mind agitated or not settled.
Knowing that the insurance investigator or adjusters would do all they can to save their company money.
Remember that for them, it is work.
The more they save for the company, the more they advance their own career so they are basically there for themselves and you need to be there for YOU.
If you have not gotten this stage, you can avoid the heartache of having insurance companies that would do everything to avoid settling claims.
You can do this if you take time to compare free online car insurance quote.
A free online car insurance quote can be gotten from quotes comparisons sites.
For best results, go for independent quotes comparison sites.
Do a proper comparison and you would greatly improve your chances of enjoying a great cover from an insurer that would not try to swindle you when you make a claim.