The Best Way to Sleep With Nasal Congestion
- Dust mites and other foreign particles in the air may cause nasal congestion. These particles remain in the air and on household surfaces such as nightstands and bedding. Wash your bed linens regularly to decrease contaminates. In addition, wash your pillow, bedspread and comforters often to decrease possible irritants. Dust your bedroom with a duster that traps dust instead of just pushing the dust around. Vacuum the carpet with a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. Taking these actions will reduce dust mites and other particles that can contribute to nasal congestion.
- Consider adding a humidifier to your bedroom to keep the air moist while you sleep. Humidifiers tend to reduce nasal congestion, thus making it easier to sleep the night through. Make sure you clean the humidifier at least once every three days to keep it operating optimally. A dirty humidifier can actually release bacteria into the air making your congestion worse.
- Use saline sprays just before bedtime to help control and reduce nasal congestion. The saline spray rinses and moisturizes the nasal passages. Using it just before bedtime clears congestion for a period, thus allowing you to sleep better.
- Try sleeping on your side or stomach if possible to avoid the possibility of opening your mouth. When you sleep on your back the mouth usually falls open and this causes the mouth and nasal passages to dry out. This can add to your congestion and cause coughing. Prop your head up with an additional pillow. If possible, purchase an adjustable bed so that you can raise your head while you sleep. The adjustable bed provides additional support for the entire upper portion of your body, making it less likely for you to slip off the pillow support. By keeping your head elevated the entire night the adjustable bed helps control nasal congestion by allowing the congestion to drain while you sleep.
Keep Your Bedroom Clean
Saline Sprays
Sleep Positions