What Is the Job of the Probate Clerk or Registrar?
- A clerk is an employee or official who handles the business of the court. A clerk can have many different types of duties, from keeping the judge's calendar and answering the phone to specializing in a field such as assisting the mentally disabled.
- Probate court, also known as chancery or orphan court, mainly handles the administration of a person's estate after death. It is important that the steps for processing and administering an estate are followed carefully, so that they are in compliance with state laws. A probate clerk must know the state laws and apply them to each case.
- A probate clerk is responsible for providing a case number for each new file. This case number is the court's filing system and helps maintain order. In some states, a case number must be provided to communicate with any probate court personnel regarding a file.
- Although an attorney can be retained to prepare and file the appropriate paperwork to administer an estate, fees for this service can be high. In some states, a probate clerk can provide assistance to individuals trying to administer someone else's estate.
- Though a college degree is not required, some post-secondary education is helpful, including office management, computer and communication skills.
Probate Court
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