How to Build Your Own Outdoor Screened Patio
- 1). Build a cover for the patio, so that the patio is covered on top and protected from snow, rain, and sunlight. Dig holes around the perimeter of the patio to place the wooden posts. Place one post at each corner, and one each in the middle of the longest sides. You may not have to install all posts if the patio cover can be attached to the side of a house, or a roof. Push dirt back in around the posts and allow posts to settle for a week before continuing. Check to make sure all posts are level.
- 2). Construct a roof for the patio that is approximately 6 inches wider, on all sides, than the measurements of the patio. The extra 6 inches will help cover the posts that stick out from the sides of the patio, and provide extra protection from the elements. Lay 2-inch-by-4-inch boards out in the shape of the patio, add support beams through the middle of the frame, and cover with sheets of plywood.
- 3). Cover the plywood with shingles or roofing tin. Do this before placing the roof on top of the posts, as the roof will not be strong enough to support a lot of weight to place shingles or tin on the roof later. Hang the roof into place on top of the posts and drive nails or screws through to hold the roof into place on top of the posts.
- 4). Install 2-inch-by-4-inch pieces along the patio, between the bases of each post. If the 2-inch-by-4-inch pieces are flush against the ground, fewer insects will be able to get inside the screened patio. Install 9-foot-long 2-inch-by-4-inch boards in between the larger posts; place the pieces at an even width apart, the width may be the width of the screen you are using. Leave a wider section for later placement of a screen door.
- 5). Hang the screen pieces between the posts of the patio cover. Leave the door area open. Cover the area above the door if possible. Do not stretch the screen too tightly and cause tears and place numerous nails or staples around the edges of each screen piece.