Guard Alaska Bear Spray Because Bears Dont Like It When It Feels Like Their Faces Are On Fire.
Bears are beautiful creatures. Ive been fascinated by them since I can remember my parents taking my siblings and I to the Brookfield Zoo. There was just something about the raw blend of beauty and grace of these gentle giants. It was undeniable and I still feel the same way when I take my own kids to the very same zoo these days. With that said I would rather one not bite me in the neck, head or vital organ region. In reality I would probably rather not have a half-ton Kodiak bear bite me on any part of my body or really any part of the body for that matter. That would be unpleasant and no doubt uncomfortable so Im just going to go ahead and make it a personal rule not to put any of my body parts in a bears mouth. One way to do that while youre camping or hiking is to carry bear spray on you at all times.
Bear spray is one of those unique items that is truly important. I mean it has vital importance like not many products can truly say they have. Take a spare tire for example, those are pretty important. If you break down on the side of the road and dont have a spare you are going to be pretty upset. Is it going to be a life altering event? Probably not. It just means you are going to have to call a tow truck and lose a couple of hours out of your day. Now lets talk about what happens when you need bear spray and dont have it. It means you could very well die. It wont be a situation where youll later look back and say Gosh, some bear spray would have been nice in that situation. It wont be a situation like that because you wont be looking back. Ever again.
Guard Alaska bear spray is so effective because bears, much like the vast majority of creatures on this planet, are not all that hip on having their face feel like it has been set on fire. It tends to make all of gods creatures stop just a moment and reevaluate their current actions. I think on some rudimentary level it makes the bear question whether or not continuing the attack is worth the feeling of having its face melted off.
Stay Safe,
Puzek Security Systems
Bear spray is one of those unique items that is truly important. I mean it has vital importance like not many products can truly say they have. Take a spare tire for example, those are pretty important. If you break down on the side of the road and dont have a spare you are going to be pretty upset. Is it going to be a life altering event? Probably not. It just means you are going to have to call a tow truck and lose a couple of hours out of your day. Now lets talk about what happens when you need bear spray and dont have it. It means you could very well die. It wont be a situation where youll later look back and say Gosh, some bear spray would have been nice in that situation. It wont be a situation like that because you wont be looking back. Ever again.
Guard Alaska bear spray is so effective because bears, much like the vast majority of creatures on this planet, are not all that hip on having their face feel like it has been set on fire. It tends to make all of gods creatures stop just a moment and reevaluate their current actions. I think on some rudimentary level it makes the bear question whether or not continuing the attack is worth the feeling of having its face melted off.
Stay Safe,
Puzek Security Systems