Ace and Galaxy
These are our geldings. Ace is a 8 years old Quarter Horse. Galaxy who is 8 years old, is a horse we bought/rescued from the BLM (wild mustang) as a yearling, our first attempt at raising and training. We really lucked out! Although we didn't know much, our Quarter Horse was a great help and taught Galaxy what we didn't. We learned from friends, books, DVD's and of course Horse Guide!
It helped a lot to have a beautiful loving, willing to learn anything horse like Galaxy.
He will try anything, jumps everything and just wants to please and be loved. Halfway home we stopped and were able to pet him in the trailer, which was amazing since he was so afraid of loading and the trailer at that point. Now he is almost 8 years old and a gentle, beautiful baby. He and Acey have the pasture to themselves and I believe Galaxy thinks of Ace as his dad! Gotta love these guys!
It helped a lot to have a beautiful loving, willing to learn anything horse like Galaxy.
He will try anything, jumps everything and just wants to please and be loved. Halfway home we stopped and were able to pet him in the trailer, which was amazing since he was so afraid of loading and the trailer at that point. Now he is almost 8 years old and a gentle, beautiful baby. He and Acey have the pasture to themselves and I believe Galaxy thinks of Ace as his dad! Gotta love these guys!