Protect Your Home Security When You Are On Vacation
Most people take their home security very seriously.
They would never think about leaving their backdoor open when they leave the house for a few hours to do some errands.
They have installed a good home alarm system.
They make sure to keep tabs on what kind of activities are happening in their neighborhoods so that they can be aware of the latest crime threats.
But one thing that some people fail to do is to adequately protect their houses when they go on vacation for an extended period of time.
They might not consider the fact that they should take completely different precautions when they are out of town for a while.
This is not like going to the mall for the day and leaving your house empty.
By abandoning ship, so to speak, for a longer stretch of time, you are exposing your home and all of the valuables that you keep inside of it to a significant amount of risk.
The first think that you want to think about when going on vacation is whether or not you are leaving your house during a standard or predictable time.
Are you heading out to the in-laws house during the week of Christmas? Are you heading to the beach for Memorial Day weekend? Are you going camping over Labor Day? Are you taking off for the Bahamas for a week when all of the local schools are on spring break in mid-March? If the answer is yes, or if you are going on vacation at any other time when a lot of people tend to go out of town, you might want to think about the fact that there might be more thieves who are on the lookout for empty houses.
This might seem too calculating and conniving, but think about who you are dealing with here.
That is the definition of what robbers are! Regardless of when you are leaving and whether or not it is a standard vacationing time, you should let the local cops know that you will be out of town.
This way, they can be more aware of the fact that there should not be people coming and going from your house at 2 in the morning in a white van! It will also let them know that, should your home alarm happen to go off, that it is unlikely to be some kind of accident.
You can also tell your neighbors that you are going to be out of town for the exact some reason.
They will be able to keep an eye out on you house and let you know if anything seems afoot (make sure to pass along your contact information for wherever you will be, even if it is only the name and phone number of the hotel).
And finally, in your haste to get ready for your vacation, do not forget to take basic steps like setting your home alarm! After you have taken these basic precautions, you should be able to relax during your vacation.
They would never think about leaving their backdoor open when they leave the house for a few hours to do some errands.
They have installed a good home alarm system.
They make sure to keep tabs on what kind of activities are happening in their neighborhoods so that they can be aware of the latest crime threats.
But one thing that some people fail to do is to adequately protect their houses when they go on vacation for an extended period of time.
They might not consider the fact that they should take completely different precautions when they are out of town for a while.
This is not like going to the mall for the day and leaving your house empty.
By abandoning ship, so to speak, for a longer stretch of time, you are exposing your home and all of the valuables that you keep inside of it to a significant amount of risk.
The first think that you want to think about when going on vacation is whether or not you are leaving your house during a standard or predictable time.
Are you heading out to the in-laws house during the week of Christmas? Are you heading to the beach for Memorial Day weekend? Are you going camping over Labor Day? Are you taking off for the Bahamas for a week when all of the local schools are on spring break in mid-March? If the answer is yes, or if you are going on vacation at any other time when a lot of people tend to go out of town, you might want to think about the fact that there might be more thieves who are on the lookout for empty houses.
This might seem too calculating and conniving, but think about who you are dealing with here.
That is the definition of what robbers are! Regardless of when you are leaving and whether or not it is a standard vacationing time, you should let the local cops know that you will be out of town.
This way, they can be more aware of the fact that there should not be people coming and going from your house at 2 in the morning in a white van! It will also let them know that, should your home alarm happen to go off, that it is unlikely to be some kind of accident.
You can also tell your neighbors that you are going to be out of town for the exact some reason.
They will be able to keep an eye out on you house and let you know if anything seems afoot (make sure to pass along your contact information for wherever you will be, even if it is only the name and phone number of the hotel).
And finally, in your haste to get ready for your vacation, do not forget to take basic steps like setting your home alarm! After you have taken these basic precautions, you should be able to relax during your vacation.