Ways To Lose Weight Fast - Fact or Theory?
I used to be what most would consider 'obese'.
As hard as that word was to say (or even type), I had to face up to the facts that yes, I was obese.
I guess it's kinda like the first step to recovery for alcoholics.
Firstly, you must admit that you have a problem.
The sooner you do this, the sooner you can take next step to getting yourself back to a health.
Through A LOT of research, and even more, trial and error, battling my own weight issues I was able to get to a healthy and happy point with my body by finding the right tools and resources.
It was a hard long road and I am happy to share a secret short-cut to anyone who wants to sit up and take notice.
Even though with the information that I found can save you a heap of time and effort by not having to go through piles and piles of rubbish information exercise videos, crappy 'weight loss' machines, and half a dozen gym memberships, there is still effort that is required to not only learn, but also implement what I had learned.
The biggest battle I had whilst shedding my pounds, was the battle of the mind.
There were a few things that I thought I knew about food and nutrition that I had to unlearn before I learned the correct way to eat and to buy food for my belly fat diet.
The second was actually picking up a book to not only read it, but study it as well.
Flicking through a good and informative book is not enough to lose weight, you really have to immerse yourself in it.
Especially when the creator of that book is so passionate about what they do and not only spent years researching what they wrote in the book, they also live and breath the contents of that book in their own lives.
Thirdly was actually implementing the ways to lose weight fast which would ultimately become my new way of living.
I got through those sticking points and many more to my now healthy, happy, and energetic life.
Even just a couple of years ago, I never thought I would say those three words in the same sentence again (when referring to myself at least).
As hard as that word was to say (or even type), I had to face up to the facts that yes, I was obese.
I guess it's kinda like the first step to recovery for alcoholics.
Firstly, you must admit that you have a problem.
The sooner you do this, the sooner you can take next step to getting yourself back to a health.
Through A LOT of research, and even more, trial and error, battling my own weight issues I was able to get to a healthy and happy point with my body by finding the right tools and resources.
It was a hard long road and I am happy to share a secret short-cut to anyone who wants to sit up and take notice.
Even though with the information that I found can save you a heap of time and effort by not having to go through piles and piles of rubbish information exercise videos, crappy 'weight loss' machines, and half a dozen gym memberships, there is still effort that is required to not only learn, but also implement what I had learned.
The biggest battle I had whilst shedding my pounds, was the battle of the mind.
There were a few things that I thought I knew about food and nutrition that I had to unlearn before I learned the correct way to eat and to buy food for my belly fat diet.
The second was actually picking up a book to not only read it, but study it as well.
Flicking through a good and informative book is not enough to lose weight, you really have to immerse yourself in it.
Especially when the creator of that book is so passionate about what they do and not only spent years researching what they wrote in the book, they also live and breath the contents of that book in their own lives.
Thirdly was actually implementing the ways to lose weight fast which would ultimately become my new way of living.
I got through those sticking points and many more to my now healthy, happy, and energetic life.
Even just a couple of years ago, I never thought I would say those three words in the same sentence again (when referring to myself at least).