Living As Nature Intended - Are We?
I was very fortunate to have grown up in the "Northwoods of Wisconsin" in the middle of nowhere.
I of course did not look at it that way when I was younger.
Now that I have lived in a city for the last 12 years I realize how lucky I really was.
How much I learned to respect and appreciate nature.
I spent a lot of time going on nature walks, exploring the river, watching the birds and animals, and generally observing nature.
There is a certain sense of peace and energy that can be felt from spending time in the purest of natural settings.
How wonderful those memories are for me now and I miss it terribly.
I do get to go back and visit at times, which is what keeps me grounded and appreciative of this beautiful place called earth.
There is so much that we can learn from nature.
Often times our lives are so busy that we forget about the natural wonders that surround us, and the truly amazing things that occur in nature.
We try to defy nature by "creating" things that are suppose to help our lives become easier.
A lot of the time, those things that we create are actually harmful to nature and to ourselves.
We destroy plants and animals before we even know about the powers they may have to help us.
We forget about our true source and the beauty of the simple things.
Loving and respecting nature is the same as loving our creator, it is probably the best gift that we could give back.
Our creator, created this wonderful planet, nature, and life for us.
Why do we abuse it? If you observe nature long enough, you will realize how interconnected everything really is.
How each item of life in nature works together in a fabulous dance.
We are not separate from this, even if we don't feel that connection.
Nature supports us and we should do the same for it.
Without the trees, we could not breath, without the water we would go thirsty, without the plants and animals we would starve, without the sun we would be ice and everything would be dead.
Have you ever noticed that the only thing that exists in nature that tends to not realize that we are a part of it is humans? Think about it.
Do plants and animals waste things? Do they take more than they need? Do they destroy environments just because they can? Do they kill their own kind just because they are in disagreement of views? Of course they do none of these things.
Everything else that exists in nature besides humans, has the ability to also respect it.
This is pretty amazing considering that humans think they are the most intelligent form of life on the planet.
From what I can tell of these super smart life forms is that we are trying to kill the very thing that gives us life - our planet.
We are doing it at a record pace as well.
Most of our water sources are polluted, our dirt is so contaminated and stripped of nutrients that it can no longer give us pure nourishing food, the invisible force called the ozone that protects us from burning up is also disappearing, and the air is so polluted that pretty soon we will all need oxygen masks to avoid breathing chemicals that will kill us.
There are many people existing on this planet with a complete disrespect for nature and human life and all that it does for us.
We ourselves contribute to it by supporting those very people.
Whether it is by buying and using products that hurt our environment, or voting for people in our political system who share the same disrespect, or allowing humans to kill other humans, or denying other humans of certain things everyone should have (food and water), or by acting as if some of us are superior to others because of race, religious views, financial well being, size, color, shape, etc.
Not to mention the waste that we create and the pollution that we contribute to.
All of these things are the true "evil" that exists on this planet.
This is disrespecting our creator - whoever that may be to each person.
Everything comes from nature.
Everything goes back into nature, recycling itself over and over without any help from us.
We cannot outsmart nature as there are"rules"or "laws" built into every thing's very existence from the beginning.
If we continue to defy these "laws" it will only end in disaster for human life.
Nature always wins.
Take some time each day to appreciate some part of this natural wonder we call earth, even if it's just a few minutes.
Feel the energy created by all of life.
Look for the connectedness.
Remember that nature supports us and we in turn need to support it.
I of course did not look at it that way when I was younger.
Now that I have lived in a city for the last 12 years I realize how lucky I really was.
How much I learned to respect and appreciate nature.
I spent a lot of time going on nature walks, exploring the river, watching the birds and animals, and generally observing nature.
There is a certain sense of peace and energy that can be felt from spending time in the purest of natural settings.
How wonderful those memories are for me now and I miss it terribly.
I do get to go back and visit at times, which is what keeps me grounded and appreciative of this beautiful place called earth.
There is so much that we can learn from nature.
Often times our lives are so busy that we forget about the natural wonders that surround us, and the truly amazing things that occur in nature.
We try to defy nature by "creating" things that are suppose to help our lives become easier.
A lot of the time, those things that we create are actually harmful to nature and to ourselves.
We destroy plants and animals before we even know about the powers they may have to help us.
We forget about our true source and the beauty of the simple things.
Loving and respecting nature is the same as loving our creator, it is probably the best gift that we could give back.
Our creator, created this wonderful planet, nature, and life for us.
Why do we abuse it? If you observe nature long enough, you will realize how interconnected everything really is.
How each item of life in nature works together in a fabulous dance.
We are not separate from this, even if we don't feel that connection.
Nature supports us and we should do the same for it.
Without the trees, we could not breath, without the water we would go thirsty, without the plants and animals we would starve, without the sun we would be ice and everything would be dead.
Have you ever noticed that the only thing that exists in nature that tends to not realize that we are a part of it is humans? Think about it.
Do plants and animals waste things? Do they take more than they need? Do they destroy environments just because they can? Do they kill their own kind just because they are in disagreement of views? Of course they do none of these things.
Everything else that exists in nature besides humans, has the ability to also respect it.
This is pretty amazing considering that humans think they are the most intelligent form of life on the planet.
From what I can tell of these super smart life forms is that we are trying to kill the very thing that gives us life - our planet.
We are doing it at a record pace as well.
Most of our water sources are polluted, our dirt is so contaminated and stripped of nutrients that it can no longer give us pure nourishing food, the invisible force called the ozone that protects us from burning up is also disappearing, and the air is so polluted that pretty soon we will all need oxygen masks to avoid breathing chemicals that will kill us.
There are many people existing on this planet with a complete disrespect for nature and human life and all that it does for us.
We ourselves contribute to it by supporting those very people.
Whether it is by buying and using products that hurt our environment, or voting for people in our political system who share the same disrespect, or allowing humans to kill other humans, or denying other humans of certain things everyone should have (food and water), or by acting as if some of us are superior to others because of race, religious views, financial well being, size, color, shape, etc.
Not to mention the waste that we create and the pollution that we contribute to.
All of these things are the true "evil" that exists on this planet.
This is disrespecting our creator - whoever that may be to each person.
Everything comes from nature.
Everything goes back into nature, recycling itself over and over without any help from us.
We cannot outsmart nature as there are"rules"or "laws" built into every thing's very existence from the beginning.
If we continue to defy these "laws" it will only end in disaster for human life.
Nature always wins.
Take some time each day to appreciate some part of this natural wonder we call earth, even if it's just a few minutes.
Feel the energy created by all of life.
Look for the connectedness.
Remember that nature supports us and we in turn need to support it.