World War Politics - Dealing With Politics During a Time of War
The politics of the next world war are primarily economic in nature, with significant political, cultural and religious aspects adding to the potential for global conflict.
Historically, from the days of the ancient Egyptian and Roman empires, super-states have had to advance the expansion of their empires and maintain the power of their emperors and ruling elites through the use of war.
Similarly, Hitler's rise to power came from the combination of a weak economy and a weak government, and the establishment of a welfare-warfare state seemed to be the solution for Germany's ills.
At this time, several aspects of world war politics threaten to bring about global conflict.
o The resurgence of leftist revolution in Latin America, most significantly in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela, and in Colombia, in the form of FARC threaten the dominance of capitalism in the central and south America, and possibly in the entire western hemisphere.
o Vladimir Putin's expansionist ambitions for the former Soviet Union and the establishment of a new Russian Empire also present a threat to global stability.
For reasons that remain unclear, Russian Ships are off the coast of Venezuela at this time.
o Ahmedinejad of Iran's blatant hostility and statements of intent to annihilate Isreal, a small country with a formidable military and nuclear weapons of its own threatens to increase destabilization of the Middle East, and draw American forces into the already serious conflicts taking place in the reason.
Furthermore, both American presidential candidates have stated their willingness to come to Israel's aid in such a conflict, while Putin's Russia will back Iran, expanding a regional conflict to the level of world war politics.
o The rise of or militant Islam, or Jihadism, whether of the Sunni of Shiite variety will provoke further interventions by Americana forces.
The use of large-scale conventional forces against small-group terrorists and insurgents is a strategy that has been ineffective throughout history, and generally seems to provoke further hostilities by the insurgents.
o The potential clash of NATO forces with Putin's Russia must also be considered a factor when evaluation the potential for a next world war.
Georgia's assertion of independence from Russia and the subsequent military actions by the former Soviet Union raise the possibility of Georgia joining NATO.
IF this were to happen, a Russian attack on Georgia would require a military response by NATO forces.
o The "Neoconservative" movement in America has taken some heavy hits within the American political arena, but it is far from dead.
Motivated more by money and power than by political beliefs, the "necons" will continue to advocate a doctrine of American economic and political dominance on a global scale.
This doctrine includes the use of aggressive and preemptive military actions, and remains a significant force in world war politics.
In conclusion, these factors, as well as the relationship between extreme religious right factions in America and Israel, and their uneasy alliance with the neocons, are pushing us deliberately into the next world war.
Historically, from the days of the ancient Egyptian and Roman empires, super-states have had to advance the expansion of their empires and maintain the power of their emperors and ruling elites through the use of war.
Similarly, Hitler's rise to power came from the combination of a weak economy and a weak government, and the establishment of a welfare-warfare state seemed to be the solution for Germany's ills.
At this time, several aspects of world war politics threaten to bring about global conflict.
o The resurgence of leftist revolution in Latin America, most significantly in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela, and in Colombia, in the form of FARC threaten the dominance of capitalism in the central and south America, and possibly in the entire western hemisphere.
o Vladimir Putin's expansionist ambitions for the former Soviet Union and the establishment of a new Russian Empire also present a threat to global stability.
For reasons that remain unclear, Russian Ships are off the coast of Venezuela at this time.
o Ahmedinejad of Iran's blatant hostility and statements of intent to annihilate Isreal, a small country with a formidable military and nuclear weapons of its own threatens to increase destabilization of the Middle East, and draw American forces into the already serious conflicts taking place in the reason.
Furthermore, both American presidential candidates have stated their willingness to come to Israel's aid in such a conflict, while Putin's Russia will back Iran, expanding a regional conflict to the level of world war politics.
o The rise of or militant Islam, or Jihadism, whether of the Sunni of Shiite variety will provoke further interventions by Americana forces.
The use of large-scale conventional forces against small-group terrorists and insurgents is a strategy that has been ineffective throughout history, and generally seems to provoke further hostilities by the insurgents.
o The potential clash of NATO forces with Putin's Russia must also be considered a factor when evaluation the potential for a next world war.
Georgia's assertion of independence from Russia and the subsequent military actions by the former Soviet Union raise the possibility of Georgia joining NATO.
IF this were to happen, a Russian attack on Georgia would require a military response by NATO forces.
o The "Neoconservative" movement in America has taken some heavy hits within the American political arena, but it is far from dead.
Motivated more by money and power than by political beliefs, the "necons" will continue to advocate a doctrine of American economic and political dominance on a global scale.
This doctrine includes the use of aggressive and preemptive military actions, and remains a significant force in world war politics.
In conclusion, these factors, as well as the relationship between extreme religious right factions in America and Israel, and their uneasy alliance with the neocons, are pushing us deliberately into the next world war.