Does He Care About Me If He Remembers Little Details? Here Is How to Know What He Is Thinking
Women are more prone to having doubts or second thoughts when it comes to their partners. This may greatly be influenced by their so-called woman's instinct. If you want to be reassured of your man's feelings for you, then try to look at the little details that he remembers - are they enough proof that he truly cares?
These are minute details that ordinary people won't care about.
So, yes, he does care for you if he goes out of his way to remember the smallest things or details about you. Logic would dictate that he won't even bother to know these things if you don't mean a thing to him. Why would he remember your favorite color if he doesn't care, right?
Those occasions or events that may not mean a thing...
...actually mean a lot to him. Think of your cousin's birthday party that he dutifully attended. What about the time that you finally perfected your spaghetti recipe? If he was there to celebrate those simple yet joyful moments, then he truly cares.
The dates that most men forget.
Remember how it's believed that men aren't good at remembering those important dates on the calendar? Some even say that they don't know their mom's birthday so why should they bother with yet another birth date? Yet if your guy is the one who even reminds you that your birthday is fast approaching, then what other proof should you want?
If he remembers to make you smile each day.
Most men would profess that they truly love their partners yet their actions say otherwise. If your guy tries to make you happy each day - no matter how seemingly insignificant a smile is, if he remembered to make you break into a grin, then it just proves that he cares.
He will never take you for granted.
No matter how busy this man is, he would remember to put your needs ahead of his. No matter how small your needs are, he would make sure that you would be satisfied so that he'll be able to rest his worries.
He remembers what you detest.
Most men are just too calloused to even notice that you don't like fried dishes. And so if you go out and try to order some food in a restaurant, he may even suggest that you order up on the greasy servings. But if your guy remembers that you're strictly adhering to a Vegan diet or you simply want things that are colored purple, then he's a guy that truly loves you.
He'll remember to act like a gentleman all the time.
A man is truly into you if he remembers small yet chivalrous acts such as opening doors for you or pulling out a chair. He'll even gladly volunteer to carry your shopping bags because that's who he is - a gentleman through and through.
These are minute details that ordinary people won't care about.
So, yes, he does care for you if he goes out of his way to remember the smallest things or details about you. Logic would dictate that he won't even bother to know these things if you don't mean a thing to him. Why would he remember your favorite color if he doesn't care, right?
Those occasions or events that may not mean a thing...
...actually mean a lot to him. Think of your cousin's birthday party that he dutifully attended. What about the time that you finally perfected your spaghetti recipe? If he was there to celebrate those simple yet joyful moments, then he truly cares.
The dates that most men forget.
Remember how it's believed that men aren't good at remembering those important dates on the calendar? Some even say that they don't know their mom's birthday so why should they bother with yet another birth date? Yet if your guy is the one who even reminds you that your birthday is fast approaching, then what other proof should you want?
If he remembers to make you smile each day.
Most men would profess that they truly love their partners yet their actions say otherwise. If your guy tries to make you happy each day - no matter how seemingly insignificant a smile is, if he remembered to make you break into a grin, then it just proves that he cares.
He will never take you for granted.
No matter how busy this man is, he would remember to put your needs ahead of his. No matter how small your needs are, he would make sure that you would be satisfied so that he'll be able to rest his worries.
He remembers what you detest.
Most men are just too calloused to even notice that you don't like fried dishes. And so if you go out and try to order some food in a restaurant, he may even suggest that you order up on the greasy servings. But if your guy remembers that you're strictly adhering to a Vegan diet or you simply want things that are colored purple, then he's a guy that truly loves you.
He'll remember to act like a gentleman all the time.
A man is truly into you if he remembers small yet chivalrous acts such as opening doors for you or pulling out a chair. He'll even gladly volunteer to carry your shopping bags because that's who he is - a gentleman through and through.