How to Make a Girl Orgasm - Become the Man Girls Simply Can"t Resist No Matter How Hard They Try
Getting a girl to orgasm actually requires a combination of several aspects which include a lot of physical and emotional aspects.
The problem is that guys often only focus on the physical aspect and not on the emotional one due to which they are not very effective when it comes to the matter of making a girl orgasm fast.
There are some underground tricks and techniques using which you can easily make a girl orgasm fast.
Read on to discover what these secret tricks are and how you can use them to make a girl orgasm extremely fast..
Stimulate her mind first- That is where it all starts.
You see this concept is very simple, Men get an erection when they think about something sensual and so do women therefore you must appeal to her emotions and mind before you do anything physical.
Talk in a deep smooth voice in her ear and tell her what's about to come.
Tell her that you are going to do something she has never experienced before and it would give her the kind of pleasure she has never had before.
Doing this would instantly turn her on and she would be in a better state to reach an orgasm.
Now stimulate her senses- Stimulate every sensitive zone in her body one by one which include her neck, legs, lips, tummy area and vaginal area.
Make sure you go from upper body to lower body slowly.
You see the slower you go the more turned on she would be and the more prepared she would be for a great orgasm.
To rap it all up you must rub your penis around her vaginal area but don't insert your penis yet, Keep on rubbing it around that area and let her know you are around but keep her waiting.
The more you keep her waiting the faster she will orgasm.
The problem is that guys often only focus on the physical aspect and not on the emotional one due to which they are not very effective when it comes to the matter of making a girl orgasm fast.
There are some underground tricks and techniques using which you can easily make a girl orgasm fast.
Read on to discover what these secret tricks are and how you can use them to make a girl orgasm extremely fast..
Stimulate her mind first- That is where it all starts.
You see this concept is very simple, Men get an erection when they think about something sensual and so do women therefore you must appeal to her emotions and mind before you do anything physical.
Talk in a deep smooth voice in her ear and tell her what's about to come.
Tell her that you are going to do something she has never experienced before and it would give her the kind of pleasure she has never had before.
Doing this would instantly turn her on and she would be in a better state to reach an orgasm.
Now stimulate her senses- Stimulate every sensitive zone in her body one by one which include her neck, legs, lips, tummy area and vaginal area.
Make sure you go from upper body to lower body slowly.
You see the slower you go the more turned on she would be and the more prepared she would be for a great orgasm.
To rap it all up you must rub your penis around her vaginal area but don't insert your penis yet, Keep on rubbing it around that area and let her know you are around but keep her waiting.
The more you keep her waiting the faster she will orgasm.