Solidarity Economy, Hope For Change - Part I-II
Both capitalist and communist economic development models of the past four decades have proven that it is easier to scale down micro programs than far' reaching ventures.
In other words risk factor and error margins are greater or lesser accordingly with business scope at stake.
In that regard, the worse obstacles in "fragmented" businesses are lack of coordination in between their respective chains (supply, demand and delivery procedures).
In fact projects and small movements need to be networked because within their production and development protocols, businesses will come to a point where they have to reckon (consciously) with externalities of other parameters or face (consequentially) market crash.
In the midst of GreatBritain's industrial revolution, in the 1930s pursuing the mirage of one way production cycle led Britain's business leaders to consistently supply emerging markets within their neighborhood...
Blame it on the obsolete information and technology infrastructure of that era which did not provide enough visibility to the mastermind of that boom.
Great Britain ended up compelled to reconvert their manufacturing industry into a service one and yet is redefining their role within the European Union scheme and beyond.
Today we can pinpoint deficiencies of any nature but informational...
Somewhere someone knew and somehow the signals was not strong enough to fall on a deaf ears...
research and development today allow simulations of any kind to weigh in various scenarios before setting the operating rules to follow as a result of an economic development paradigm.
Based on that information paradigm, I would say that most of our scourges nowadays can be predicted or at best faced with less damage than it would have caused in the absence of information technologies.
Same can be said when it comes to understanding the vicious circle of material poverty and mental alienation: because we have understood the role of information as never before, it's optional now, addressing the appropriate course of action whether to be diligent or not.
We need to think multidimensional and start acting local in order to "consciously" make an impact instead of being continuously impacted...
Demba Ndiaye.
In other words risk factor and error margins are greater or lesser accordingly with business scope at stake.
In that regard, the worse obstacles in "fragmented" businesses are lack of coordination in between their respective chains (supply, demand and delivery procedures).
In fact projects and small movements need to be networked because within their production and development protocols, businesses will come to a point where they have to reckon (consciously) with externalities of other parameters or face (consequentially) market crash.
In the midst of GreatBritain's industrial revolution, in the 1930s pursuing the mirage of one way production cycle led Britain's business leaders to consistently supply emerging markets within their neighborhood...
Blame it on the obsolete information and technology infrastructure of that era which did not provide enough visibility to the mastermind of that boom.
Great Britain ended up compelled to reconvert their manufacturing industry into a service one and yet is redefining their role within the European Union scheme and beyond.
Today we can pinpoint deficiencies of any nature but informational...
Somewhere someone knew and somehow the signals was not strong enough to fall on a deaf ears...
research and development today allow simulations of any kind to weigh in various scenarios before setting the operating rules to follow as a result of an economic development paradigm.
Based on that information paradigm, I would say that most of our scourges nowadays can be predicted or at best faced with less damage than it would have caused in the absence of information technologies.
Same can be said when it comes to understanding the vicious circle of material poverty and mental alienation: because we have understood the role of information as never before, it's optional now, addressing the appropriate course of action whether to be diligent or not.
We need to think multidimensional and start acting local in order to "consciously" make an impact instead of being continuously impacted...
Demba Ndiaye.