Top 5 Reasons to stop Smoking
Top 5 reasons to stop smoking []
Smoking became known and mainstream around the 20s and is still popular. Around 25% smokes even with all the known health risks. It leads to wonder why people are still using these death sticks. Here's the top 5 reasons to hate smoking.
5. Health risks for people around you
everyone who uses these death sticks know they can cause cancer and kills your lungs. But it's a choice these people make. Way worse is the fact that they don't consider the people around them and put everyone around them at risk. That's just plain selfish.
4. Loss of time
I estimate that these death sticks will cost you about 20% productivity every day. Because of the obvious reasons, when you smoke you can't do something else properly. But also the fact that your fatigue and concentration goes down will cost you. Smokers are mostly thinking of one thing: their next smoke.
3. Loss of beauty
People who seek eternal youth should stay away from these things. It will dramatically speed up the aging process. Besides that it destroys your skin short term. Don't be surprised if you need more make up every week you smoke.
2. Association with unsuccessfulness
Unsuccessful smoke more than successful people. People in low positions such as waitresses smoke more than managers. This has mostly to do with the fact that people in those jobs often don't confront problems head on. Other theories suggest that people who smoke have a harder time getting those high end jobs because of reasons listed above. Either way smoking is a huge sign of being unsuccessful. There're exceptions to the rule but in most cases it applies.
1.It limits your life!
Reason number 1 is actually a bit of a collections of the reasons above. It limits your life because you can do less in the time you have (less fatigue, productivity) and you'll probably have less time to spend on mother earth (health risks). On top of that people might have a hard time taking you seriously as a successful and ambitious individual.
Smoking became known and mainstream around the 20s and is still popular. Around 25% smokes even with all the known health risks. It leads to wonder why people are still using these death sticks. Here's the top 5 reasons to hate smoking.
5. Health risks for people around you
everyone who uses these death sticks know they can cause cancer and kills your lungs. But it's a choice these people make. Way worse is the fact that they don't consider the people around them and put everyone around them at risk. That's just plain selfish.
4. Loss of time
I estimate that these death sticks will cost you about 20% productivity every day. Because of the obvious reasons, when you smoke you can't do something else properly. But also the fact that your fatigue and concentration goes down will cost you. Smokers are mostly thinking of one thing: their next smoke.
3. Loss of beauty
People who seek eternal youth should stay away from these things. It will dramatically speed up the aging process. Besides that it destroys your skin short term. Don't be surprised if you need more make up every week you smoke.
2. Association with unsuccessfulness
Unsuccessful smoke more than successful people. People in low positions such as waitresses smoke more than managers. This has mostly to do with the fact that people in those jobs often don't confront problems head on. Other theories suggest that people who smoke have a harder time getting those high end jobs because of reasons listed above. Either way smoking is a huge sign of being unsuccessful. There're exceptions to the rule but in most cases it applies.
1.It limits your life!
Reason number 1 is actually a bit of a collections of the reasons above. It limits your life because you can do less in the time you have (less fatigue, productivity) and you'll probably have less time to spend on mother earth (health risks). On top of that people might have a hard time taking you seriously as a successful and ambitious individual.