Why Traditional And Fad Diets Never Work
Have you tried to diet your way to looking FABULOUS, but fail to succeed?Done Atkins and the Zone and the Beach and Rice, and everything else, but still not seeing lasting results? Well, that's because there are two major flaws in virtually every diet on the market.
These flaws are shared by weight loss pills, supplements and other methods of weight loss that are temporary helpers.
What are these flaws? 1.
They are unsustainable-In all of these diets and fads, you must "give something up" in order to lose weight.
Eventually, you're going to give in to all the cravings around you.
They are unnatural and unhealthy-That's right, they're unhealthy.
It is unhealthy to be restricting your diet to completely exclude a particular energy type, and it's unnatural to count calories.
Our distant ancestors were quite fit and they didn't even know what a calorie was.
Do you understand now?No?I'll continue then.
The reason that most diets are unsustainable is that they do not address the root cause of being overweight:the person who is overweight.
Now, in Western Society, we like to blame everyone else for our position in life, but in the end, everyone else doesn't have to live OUR lives.
We do.
There can be any number of reasons that a person is overweight, but in the end, it's because either A) they are too emotionally attached to food, or B) they do not do enough exercise to burn the calories and fat within their system, for whatever reason.
In the case of a person who is too emotionally attached to food (most of us who live in Western Society are like this at some point), the cure is simple, in theory.
It is very hard to break an emotional attachment to the types of food available in abundance here.
In my opinion, there are really only two ways to do it:break the physical desires, and then wrestle down the emotional, or reshape the emotional.
Both of those methods take a lot of willpower for the first three days or so, but after that, you don't need to even watch out until you are re-introduced to the over-abundance of food around us at all times.
To break the physical desire, you must fast, be it water, vegetable, liquids, or plant fasts, it doesn't matter.
Just remove the physical desire to eat.
I'm not going to give you any medical advice here, but after you no longer have true physical "hunger", you may break your fast, and start wrestling the emotional addiction.
To reshape what exactly it is you are emotionally attached to (slightly easier to accomplish, but takes longer to see results), you merely change your diet so that it is constant.
Eat at particular meal times, particular amounts, and nothing in between meals.
You eat the same particular meals at the same times, in the same amounts for at least a week, when you can slowly remove one of the smaller meals (like midnight snack, or half of breakfast).
When you've finished removing the meal, you just continue like that for another couple of weeks, and you'll find that your body will no longer crave more than those amounts.
In the case of the person who does not exercise enough, there are two possible solutions:reduce intake (won't work in this case), or increase your physical output.
Exercise does not have to be boring, you can do kung fu, play tennis, basketball, baseball, have sex, make-out, run from a killer, anything, as long as it either gets your heart-rate up, or (in the case of high-level qigong) re-balances your energy.
These flaws are shared by weight loss pills, supplements and other methods of weight loss that are temporary helpers.
What are these flaws? 1.
They are unsustainable-In all of these diets and fads, you must "give something up" in order to lose weight.
Eventually, you're going to give in to all the cravings around you.
They are unnatural and unhealthy-That's right, they're unhealthy.
It is unhealthy to be restricting your diet to completely exclude a particular energy type, and it's unnatural to count calories.
Our distant ancestors were quite fit and they didn't even know what a calorie was.
Do you understand now?No?I'll continue then.
The reason that most diets are unsustainable is that they do not address the root cause of being overweight:the person who is overweight.
Now, in Western Society, we like to blame everyone else for our position in life, but in the end, everyone else doesn't have to live OUR lives.
We do.
There can be any number of reasons that a person is overweight, but in the end, it's because either A) they are too emotionally attached to food, or B) they do not do enough exercise to burn the calories and fat within their system, for whatever reason.
In the case of a person who is too emotionally attached to food (most of us who live in Western Society are like this at some point), the cure is simple, in theory.
It is very hard to break an emotional attachment to the types of food available in abundance here.
In my opinion, there are really only two ways to do it:break the physical desires, and then wrestle down the emotional, or reshape the emotional.
Both of those methods take a lot of willpower for the first three days or so, but after that, you don't need to even watch out until you are re-introduced to the over-abundance of food around us at all times.
To break the physical desire, you must fast, be it water, vegetable, liquids, or plant fasts, it doesn't matter.
Just remove the physical desire to eat.
I'm not going to give you any medical advice here, but after you no longer have true physical "hunger", you may break your fast, and start wrestling the emotional addiction.
To reshape what exactly it is you are emotionally attached to (slightly easier to accomplish, but takes longer to see results), you merely change your diet so that it is constant.
Eat at particular meal times, particular amounts, and nothing in between meals.
You eat the same particular meals at the same times, in the same amounts for at least a week, when you can slowly remove one of the smaller meals (like midnight snack, or half of breakfast).
When you've finished removing the meal, you just continue like that for another couple of weeks, and you'll find that your body will no longer crave more than those amounts.
In the case of the person who does not exercise enough, there are two possible solutions:reduce intake (won't work in this case), or increase your physical output.
Exercise does not have to be boring, you can do kung fu, play tennis, basketball, baseball, have sex, make-out, run from a killer, anything, as long as it either gets your heart-rate up, or (in the case of high-level qigong) re-balances your energy.