Group Activities For Teens
You know the scene-a group of bored teenagers, slumped dejectedly around your family room, complaining that there is nothing to do.
Before you throw your hands up in frustration, here are some suggestions for group activities for teens, that will have up and having fun, and most important out of your hair.
Whether for a party or a simply afternoon here are some ideas for group activities for teens-
Before you throw your hands up in frustration, here are some suggestions for group activities for teens, that will have up and having fun, and most important out of your hair.
Whether for a party or a simply afternoon here are some ideas for group activities for teens-
- Murder mystery-Teens love to be scared, so get them involved in a murder mystery.
There are plenty of scenarios already done on the web.
Simply print off the details for everyone.
For added fun you can encourage everyone to come up with a costume, (whether you plan ahead or do it on the fly).
Give everyone their script and stand back while they try to figure out this who done it! Promise them at the successful conclusion, you will provide pizza, subs or some other favorite food.
Then get out your camera to enjoy the fun! - Sardines-This is a fun version of Hide and Seek for a lock-in.
Turn off most of the lights off to add a spookier atmosphere.
All the teens huddle together in a small space, while one goes and hides in another small space.
The teens leave the first hiding spot one at a time, counting to 50 before the next teen leaves, to look for the hidden teen.
When the hidden teen is found, the seeker hides with him or her.
Everyone who finds the hiding place hides with them, until all the teens are packed in like sardines.
The game can then continue with the last teen going to hide in another place.
- Television games-You can do your own spin-off, from television games, like Jeopardy or Who wants to be a Millionaire? Pick your own Vanna or Regis and get started.
You will need to print out, one question and multiple choice answers, on as large a piece of paper, as you can.
This way the contestant could read it fine and the game show host can read it out loud to the audience.
The contestant chose the category and the game show host selected the question randomly, from the folder in each category.
Each contestant can answer up to three questions correctly.
They are allowed to use one lifeline (poll the audience) during their turn.
Prizes could be food coupons fast food restaurants and you could offer "Bucket O' Lovely Parting Gifts" so every player gets to take home a prize. - Slippery Limbo-This can be a great summertime activity-The first step is to lay a tarp or plastic sheet down.
Then take some liquid dishwashing soap and spray it down on the plastic.
You then some water, not a lot, and you have a slippery surface.
Have the teens line up to play some limbo.
If you think the floor is too hard, you can do this outdoors or lay some mats under the plastic. - Turkey Bowling-Traditionally played at Thanksgiving, it is still fun at other times of year.
You start by laying plastic sheets on the ground or floor.
You will then take ten bottles of beverages, preferably carbonated!, and set them out in a bowling pin pattern.
Use one frozen turkey per team (keep the birds frozen until using).
Then team members will take turns using the frozen tom like a bowling ball to knock down the pop.
Hopefully, the pops may "explode" and spray everyone! - Blind Water Balloon Volleyball-This is an especially fun thing to do during the summer.
You will need to hang something opaque on each side of a van, or other obstacle too high to see over.
You will then lay down two bed sheets on each side of whatever is hanging in the center as the "net.
" Keep in mind that you should not be able to see through the "net.
" Have each group sit on bed sheets or blankets with their stash of water balloons.
Each team then tries to throw over a water balloon so that it hits the group on the other side.
Because the teams cannot see each other, it is harder to catch the flying water balloons.