Tips To Getting Your Ex Girlfriend Back From A Girl"s Prospective
Okay guys, I understand if you are looking for tips to getting your ex girlfriend back, that means you have recently gone through a break up and you are likely feeling horrible.
I have been through break ups so I know how painful they can be and I imagine whether you are a guy or a girl, when you hear those break up words the same flood of emotions over take you.
I want to reassure you there are proven ways to get back with a girlfriend...
there are also things you should never do! I get the anguish of constantly checking my phone for messages, staying like a prisoner in my home because I couldn't bear to miss a visit, rehearsing over and over again what I would say when we were face to face again.
It is anguishing.
But here is the thing and the reason I am writing this article, I want to share with you guys how this plays out from a girl's point of view.
When the girl breaks up with a guy, for any reason, what she really needs is just a couple steps of space so she can clear her head.
I remember one guy I started dating who I REALLY liked who just kept setting up things for us to do together.
I loved being with him but every time we got together, he would tell me what he was planning for us to do the next day.
It got to the point where I felt like I never had time to make any plans because they were always getting made for me.
What happened? We broke up.
I told him I needed space to just gather my thoughts and you know what he did? He listened and gave me space.
Just knowing that he understood what I was saying and was willing to allow me time was all I needed.
I called him the NEXT day, because I really appreciated how he handled the situation, and this made me miss him! So guys, here are my tips to getting your ex girlfriend back: 1.
Give her a little space.
Women need to clear their heads.
Make yourself okay with the break up.
I know you do not want to hear that but I am telling you this because if you keep pushing to get back together, she will keep pushing away.
Tell her you accept the break up.
This is tough, I know but resist the urge to crowd her right now.
This might go against what you WANT to do.
Guys are fixers and you want to ACT and FIX the relationship, but if you give your ex girlfriend the ability to step back and appreciate what she had you will be in the position to get her back.
Oh, and as for that guy that gave me space? We got married and have been happy ever since!
I have been through break ups so I know how painful they can be and I imagine whether you are a guy or a girl, when you hear those break up words the same flood of emotions over take you.
I want to reassure you there are proven ways to get back with a girlfriend...
there are also things you should never do! I get the anguish of constantly checking my phone for messages, staying like a prisoner in my home because I couldn't bear to miss a visit, rehearsing over and over again what I would say when we were face to face again.
It is anguishing.
But here is the thing and the reason I am writing this article, I want to share with you guys how this plays out from a girl's point of view.
When the girl breaks up with a guy, for any reason, what she really needs is just a couple steps of space so she can clear her head.
I remember one guy I started dating who I REALLY liked who just kept setting up things for us to do together.
I loved being with him but every time we got together, he would tell me what he was planning for us to do the next day.
It got to the point where I felt like I never had time to make any plans because they were always getting made for me.
What happened? We broke up.
I told him I needed space to just gather my thoughts and you know what he did? He listened and gave me space.
Just knowing that he understood what I was saying and was willing to allow me time was all I needed.
I called him the NEXT day, because I really appreciated how he handled the situation, and this made me miss him! So guys, here are my tips to getting your ex girlfriend back: 1.
Give her a little space.
Women need to clear their heads.
Make yourself okay with the break up.
I know you do not want to hear that but I am telling you this because if you keep pushing to get back together, she will keep pushing away.
Tell her you accept the break up.
This is tough, I know but resist the urge to crowd her right now.
This might go against what you WANT to do.
Guys are fixers and you want to ACT and FIX the relationship, but if you give your ex girlfriend the ability to step back and appreciate what she had you will be in the position to get her back.
Oh, and as for that guy that gave me space? We got married and have been happy ever since!