Dating Tips for Women - Why Is It So Hard to Find the Right Man?
I was sitting down in a cafe with an old friend of mine from high school,Becky.
And we were talking about what it was like to be approaching the age of 30,and inevitably,the conversation of dating turned up.
Now,Becky knows that I have been a dating coach for awhile now,and she wanted to get a little "inside" information on why she seems to find it so hard to find the right guy.
And as I looked at her,I could tell that it was eating her up inside.
You know,she has a wonderful career,a great sense of humor and style,and she just does not seem to be able to attract the right kind of guy.
One of the things that you have to know about attracting the right guy,is that you really can be a good looking woman with a solid career and still not have any success at all in the dating department,if you don't focus on the right things.
Becky admitted that she was always attracted to the "wrong" kinds of men,the ones that don't seem to know where they are going in life,and the ones that really don't seem to be able to handle a whole lot of responsibility.
Does this sound familiar to you at all? If you are a lot like Becky,and not attracting the right kinds of guys,you always seem to attract the "wrong" ones,then you really need to dig in and make a few changes.
Here's what I recommended for her to do right away: 1.
I told her that she should sit down and really figure out what she DOES want.
Too often,women will focus in on the things that they do not want to find in a man, and lo and behold,they end up attracting a guy that embodies all of the things that they do not want.
Why not take the time and spend your energy figuring out what you DO want to find in a man?If you could picture the right kind of guy,what would he look like?What would he be interested in? 2.
I told her that she needed to head to the right places to meet a guy.
One of the things that quickly sprang up while we were talking,was that she really did not go to the kinds of places that were conducive to finding the right guy.
She was still hitting the kinds of bars and clubs where guys that don't really have a whole lot going for them choose to hang out.
If you want to find a better class of man,then you have to go where they hang out.
She also kind of came across as being needy for a man.
What most women don't realize,is that guy that really have a lot going for them in life,guys that are ready for a healthy relationship,they don't want to have a woman that is needy for them.
While it is perfectly healthy to want to be in a relationship,to be needy for one is a much different thing, altogether.
You need to have a little bit of faith and not cling to a man if you want to keep him.
And we were talking about what it was like to be approaching the age of 30,and inevitably,the conversation of dating turned up.
Now,Becky knows that I have been a dating coach for awhile now,and she wanted to get a little "inside" information on why she seems to find it so hard to find the right guy.
And as I looked at her,I could tell that it was eating her up inside.
You know,she has a wonderful career,a great sense of humor and style,and she just does not seem to be able to attract the right kind of guy.
One of the things that you have to know about attracting the right guy,is that you really can be a good looking woman with a solid career and still not have any success at all in the dating department,if you don't focus on the right things.
Becky admitted that she was always attracted to the "wrong" kinds of men,the ones that don't seem to know where they are going in life,and the ones that really don't seem to be able to handle a whole lot of responsibility.
Does this sound familiar to you at all? If you are a lot like Becky,and not attracting the right kinds of guys,you always seem to attract the "wrong" ones,then you really need to dig in and make a few changes.
Here's what I recommended for her to do right away: 1.
I told her that she should sit down and really figure out what she DOES want.
Too often,women will focus in on the things that they do not want to find in a man, and lo and behold,they end up attracting a guy that embodies all of the things that they do not want.
Why not take the time and spend your energy figuring out what you DO want to find in a man?If you could picture the right kind of guy,what would he look like?What would he be interested in? 2.
I told her that she needed to head to the right places to meet a guy.
One of the things that quickly sprang up while we were talking,was that she really did not go to the kinds of places that were conducive to finding the right guy.
She was still hitting the kinds of bars and clubs where guys that don't really have a whole lot going for them choose to hang out.
If you want to find a better class of man,then you have to go where they hang out.
She also kind of came across as being needy for a man.
What most women don't realize,is that guy that really have a lot going for them in life,guys that are ready for a healthy relationship,they don't want to have a woman that is needy for them.
While it is perfectly healthy to want to be in a relationship,to be needy for one is a much different thing, altogether.
You need to have a little bit of faith and not cling to a man if you want to keep him.