Baby Shower Party Games
- A favorite shower game involves mini candy bars and paper napkins. Fold several paper napkins into tiny "diapers," then place a mini candy bar in each one. Right before the game begins, warm the diapers in the microwave. The candy bars need to be melted enough so the chocolate is runny. Pass the diapers around the table and have everyone write down a guess as to which candy bar is in each diaper. Guests can look, smell or even taste it in order to make a guess. The person who gets the most correct is the winner.
Another shower game is the baby food guess. Purchase several different baby food jars, pull off the labels and label the jars. Guests guess which food is which. The winner is the guest who has the most correct guesses. - There are many interesting games that involve the mommy and baby. includes games such as "Never Say Baby," "Guess Mommy's Tummy Size" and "Bottle Races."
"Never Say Baby" is tricky because you have to avoid saying the word "baby." Each person has a designated amount of clothespins. If you say "baby," you lose a clothespin. You can take each other's clothespins if you catch someone saying "baby."
"Guess Mommy's Tummy Size" involves everyone taking whatever amount of string they think it takes to wrap around the mom-to-be's tummy. The person who gets the closest wins. Another option is using toliet paper so you can count the squares to get a faster, accurate measurement. If the mommy is sensitive about her size or weight, skip this game.
"Bottle Races" gets everyone involved and gets a lot of laughs. Opponents race by drinking milk out of a bottle. The person to finish theirs first wins the game. Each person needs to drink the bottle as a baby would. Another adaptation is to just give everyone a bottle when they come in the door and whoever finishes the bottle first wins.
Games that Involve Food
Baby Games