By Having Georgia Health Insurance Family Could Have Avoided Bankruptcy
Health insurance is very expensive. For many Americans looking at the health insurance bills every month leaves them wondering if they are really getting their money's worth when it comes to paying a monthly rate when they barely ever go to the doctor's office. Millions of people are paying thousands of dollars each year for coverage and rarely feel like they are reaping any benefits of these high insurance premiums. For people who feel this way there is a huge temptation to just cancel coverage all together and put the money towards something that they would actually receive benefits from for example they could invest it or use it towards something they need in their home. It was found in the 2005 census that more than 15% of the population is still uninsured this is an astounding 40 million Americans who are not currently being covered by health insurance. This number has increased dramatically since even the year 2000, this means that people think they are getting smarter about health insurance by not wasting their money on the monthly bills, but in reality they are really just setting themselves up for failure.
For many people who decide to cancel their insurance they don't realize how necessary it is until it is too late. For something as normal as a major car accident the bills for one person can be outrageous, recently a woman was involved in a serious accident in the state of Georgia where she had to be admitted to the hospital for 3 weeks for recovery, if she had been insured by any type of Georgia health insurance she may have escaped with paying very little out of her pocket, but because she was not covered by any type of Georgia health insurance her family had to pay the medical bills straight out of their pocket. As a result the family had to file for bankruptcy, which was devastating to the family. In recent studies done about the effect of being uninsured after being seriously injured it was found that more than 36% people had to dramatically change their way of life in order to accommodate for medical bills as a result of being uninsured. It only takes one little slip up when you are uninsured to end up costing you thousands of dollars, although the monthly premiums may seem expensive now, they are a small price to pay when you have to file for bankruptcy because you couldn't afford medical bills.
The family talked about above could have avoided all of the torture they had to go through if they had just signed up for Georgia health insurance. For people living in the state of Georgia there are many different types of Georgia health insurance companies for you to pick from there is Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, Celtic, and Humana just to name a few. Out of these Georgia health insurance companies almost all of them offer all different types of deals from individual insurance to group insurance, there is a Georgia health insurance to fit every need and family.
For many people who decide to cancel their insurance they don't realize how necessary it is until it is too late. For something as normal as a major car accident the bills for one person can be outrageous, recently a woman was involved in a serious accident in the state of Georgia where she had to be admitted to the hospital for 3 weeks for recovery, if she had been insured by any type of Georgia health insurance she may have escaped with paying very little out of her pocket, but because she was not covered by any type of Georgia health insurance her family had to pay the medical bills straight out of their pocket. As a result the family had to file for bankruptcy, which was devastating to the family. In recent studies done about the effect of being uninsured after being seriously injured it was found that more than 36% people had to dramatically change their way of life in order to accommodate for medical bills as a result of being uninsured. It only takes one little slip up when you are uninsured to end up costing you thousands of dollars, although the monthly premiums may seem expensive now, they are a small price to pay when you have to file for bankruptcy because you couldn't afford medical bills.
The family talked about above could have avoided all of the torture they had to go through if they had just signed up for Georgia health insurance. For people living in the state of Georgia there are many different types of Georgia health insurance companies for you to pick from there is Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, Celtic, and Humana just to name a few. Out of these Georgia health insurance companies almost all of them offer all different types of deals from individual insurance to group insurance, there is a Georgia health insurance to fit every need and family.