Sluice Box Laws for California
- Sluicing for gold can be a profitable past time.bat??e 02 image by thierry planche from
Rising global environmental concerns are present in the state of California. California laws are not specific to the use of sluice boxes not accompanied with the use of a suction dredge, but the combination appears commonplace. The use of suction dredging has brought concerns of adverse effects both on the environment and wildlife. Gold mining has become much more efficient and profitable due to modifications in the process. - You must obtain a permit before entering private or public land. Trespassing is not allowed. Those with disabilities may apply for a special permit. Procedures are outlined for anyone who wishes to appeal a rejected permit. A special permit is issued for power dredging, diversion of water flow and, in some circumstances, the taking of an endangered species.
- The equipment you propose to utilize must meet regulations. Various types of equipment are permitted use in certain areas only. One example is the size of the nozzle being used in power dredging. The equipment in many instances disturbs the bottom of rivers, lakes and streams and is now being investigated. This has been a big source of controversy.
- There are seasons that apply to dredging and use of sluice boxes in specified counties and areas. Check the guidelines specific to each for the designated season in which dredging and the use of a sluice box is allowed. Some bodies of water are closed to power dredging and the use of sluice boxes. These areas require special permission and permits.
- Water flow must not be interrupted or diverted as to restrict the movement of fish. Special permits are required if this is to take place. Diversion of water flow may have detrimental environmental effects.
- Rocks, boulders, trees, roots and shrubs must remain where they are. Nothing is to be taken, moved or added to avoid harm to or interference with the environment or wildlife. The use of wenches is prohibited. Do not attempt to catch, capture or kill fish or other endangered wildlife unless you are issued a special permit. Spraying water onto the banks is prohibited.
Equipment Requirements
Water Flow
Disturbing Nature