Facts About Walnut Trees
- Pinnately compound leaves
The black walnut is the most widespread walnut tree, growing in the eastern half of the country. It can grow to heights of 100 feet and produces highly prized nuts that ripen in the fall. - The butternut tree, native to the New England states and the upper Midwest, has leaves that are as long as 30 inches, with 11 to 17 separate leaflets on each stem.
- The little walnut is shrub-like in many cases, with one tree having multiple stems coming out of its trunk. It grows in western Texas northward through Oklahoma and Kansas.
- The Arizona walnut produces a fruit with a brown and hairy husk. Within this husk is a nut that has a grooved shell.
- The California walnut prefers moist soil near streambeds in the southern portion of California. The Hinds walnut is a similar species that grows in Northern California.
Black Walnut
Little Walnut
Arizona Walnut
Other Walnuts