Should You Have All Things in Common?
Think about the people the people who are a lot like you; they think like you, share your opinions, were raised the same way you were, and share your interests and hobbies. You will find that you are thinking of your closest friends, the people who stick by you through thick and thin, the people who you are most comfortable with, most yourself with.
It may sound silly, but the truth is that they are your closest friends because you have almost all things in common. You are able to relate to each other on many different levels and as a result, you stick by each other. Basically, having these similarities is what makes you friends.
In the world of dating, you will find the same trend. Couples that tend to last are couples that have almost all things in common. If you find someone you can relate to on many different levels, you have the potential of forming a really strong bond. It also makes dating much easier. The problem is this: what if the woman doesn't realize that you have all these similarities? Or what if you don't seem to have a lot of similarities on the surface, but you want to pursue her anyway because you have a feeling she is someone you can be with?
Simple. Show her subtly that you have a lot of similarities. If you can make it register in her sub-consciousness that you have these similarities, she will slowly realize on her own that you are someone well worth dating. Consider the following techniques:
1) Use the Same Words
If a woman uses big words, show her that she's met her match by using words just as big. If she uses street slang, throw in a few words here and there. What you are doing when you do this is showing her that you have similar backgrounds, and this means a lot to a woman.
2) Show Interest in Her Hobbies
Take interest in the things she does and talks about. Tell her that those are things you've always wanted to do and/or are interested in doing. She is likely to encourage you to do those things, and it will make her feel good to share them with you, especially if she's passionate about them.
3) Say €Me Too€ and Back it Up
Whenever you talk about something that you genuinely share or both like, quickly say that you like it too and back up your claim. You are simply proving to her that you are birds of the same feather and that there are plenty of things you share.
Now, to answer the question posed by the title: should you have all things in common? Not necessarily. The best relationships are between people who have a lot of similarities, but also have some differences. After all, if they're exactly like you, you may get bored quickly because there's no challenge and no growth. So on that note, although you want show a girl all your similarities, you don't want to change who you are completely. In the end, you do want to be with someone whose personality does match yours.
If you need more tips and techniques on how to get women interested in you, check out€">Black Belt Seduction now and learn killer techniques for dating and picking up women!
It may sound silly, but the truth is that they are your closest friends because you have almost all things in common. You are able to relate to each other on many different levels and as a result, you stick by each other. Basically, having these similarities is what makes you friends.
In the world of dating, you will find the same trend. Couples that tend to last are couples that have almost all things in common. If you find someone you can relate to on many different levels, you have the potential of forming a really strong bond. It also makes dating much easier. The problem is this: what if the woman doesn't realize that you have all these similarities? Or what if you don't seem to have a lot of similarities on the surface, but you want to pursue her anyway because you have a feeling she is someone you can be with?
Simple. Show her subtly that you have a lot of similarities. If you can make it register in her sub-consciousness that you have these similarities, she will slowly realize on her own that you are someone well worth dating. Consider the following techniques:
1) Use the Same Words
If a woman uses big words, show her that she's met her match by using words just as big. If she uses street slang, throw in a few words here and there. What you are doing when you do this is showing her that you have similar backgrounds, and this means a lot to a woman.
2) Show Interest in Her Hobbies
Take interest in the things she does and talks about. Tell her that those are things you've always wanted to do and/or are interested in doing. She is likely to encourage you to do those things, and it will make her feel good to share them with you, especially if she's passionate about them.
3) Say €Me Too€ and Back it Up
Whenever you talk about something that you genuinely share or both like, quickly say that you like it too and back up your claim. You are simply proving to her that you are birds of the same feather and that there are plenty of things you share.
Now, to answer the question posed by the title: should you have all things in common? Not necessarily. The best relationships are between people who have a lot of similarities, but also have some differences. After all, if they're exactly like you, you may get bored quickly because there's no challenge and no growth. So on that note, although you want show a girl all your similarities, you don't want to change who you are completely. In the end, you do want to be with someone whose personality does match yours.
If you need more tips and techniques on how to get women interested in you, check out€">Black Belt Seduction now and learn killer techniques for dating and picking up women!