Hillary Wants A "Do Over"
Poor Hillary Clinton is lamenting her vote authorizing the Commander In Chief (CIC) President Bush to go to war against Iraq.
Ever the victim this senator and former butt of Bill Clintons philandering is now claiming she was fooled by G.
Hillary a committed feminist (or is that a feminist that should be committed) should know better than to trust a man, not to mention The Man! That's twice now that poor Hill has been had by Presidents and I don't mean that in the Biblical sense! If this wench can't handle stupid old G.
and can't see the forest for the bush er I mean trees that was Bill's constant cheating what are we to expect from her when dealing with the likes of Mahmood Ahmadinajad or Lil' Kim Jong Il? I thinks it best for Hillary to go back to Wellesley College and check out some of the new Co-Eds.
From what I hear they are even more homosexual and more promiscuous than when Hill attended that fine institution.
Senator Clinton (D NY) along with Senator Robert "KKK" Bryd (D W.
) are not happy with the decisions they made and the votes they cast.
The following is from N.
Daily News.
Hillary Clinton is asking her fellow senators to sign on to her and Sen.
Robert Byrd's plan for an Iraq war vote do-over.
In a letter to all 98 other senators provided to the Daily News yesterday, Clinton (D-N.
) and Byrd (D-W.
) say Congress should haul President Bush back for a new war vote when the Senate debates the 2008 military spending bill in the next few weeks.
" This infantile politicization of the war and Hillary Clinton's responsibility for taking the nation into war is not only irrelevant it is insulting.
Does the "smartest" woman in the world think this is some sort of elementary school kick ball game? You know who Hillary should be asking for a "do over?" I do.
We can start with our honored war dead and the families they left behind.
Then Hillary can go on her hands and knees to the maimed men and women and their families whose lives are forever altered by the vote Hillary was "duped into.
" From there she can crawl to the American contractors who have been killed answering the call of duty as private security forces because of the reckless cutting of the military made by Bill Clinton and the "co-president" Hillary.
All of these people take a backseat when it comes to "social programs" advocated by Clinton and her leftist minions.
Last but certainly not least she should beg the American people for a "do over" regarding the debt incurred for this war which can be laid at the feet of the previous president, her husband.
Is it not incumbent upon a Senator of the United States to inform and educate herself on matters of national security? The stakes have never been higher and she did not even read the National Intelligence Estimate regarding the Iraq crisis.
Why is it that an 18 year old Marine Corps Private holds himself and is held to such a higher standard than the "smartest woman" the country? I believe this reflects the mentality of the perpetual college student.
There is always a "do over" when it comes to professional students.
The University experience is very forgiving especially if you are one of "Best and Brightest.
" Clinton has now voted to cut funding for the war she voted for.
Hillary I believe your democrat is showing! This is so typical of the left.
They are constantly telling everyone that they are smarter, better more enlightened , have superior morality etc.
But as soon as they don't get exactly what they want, by the way what they want is constantly changing, they cry foul.
"I was tricked" Again from N.
Daily News: "That authorization, which references the government of Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction, is no longer relevant," they say.
This is the Clintonian equivalent of saying "Time did not stand still for me!" Damn this linear existence! Whats a girl to do? There is a silver lining in all this, if you're a patriot.
Not only has Hillary fallen on her pug mug, again, she has angered the cretins (no offense to Crete) on the far left of the political spectrum.
That does indeed bring a smile to my face.
This is from The St.
Petersburg Times Philip Gailey http://www.
com "Angry antiwar Democrats are still demanding that Hillary Rodham Clinton apologize for her Senate vote authorizing President Bush to take the nation to war against Iraq.
To be kind about it, Clinton continues to mislead voters about the most important vote she cast as a senator from New York.
It's hard to find a profile of Hillary Clinton that doesn't mention how smart she is - the "brainiest" senator, Washingtonian magazine calls her.
So how did someone so smart allow herself to be duped, as she now claims, by George W.
Bush, who every day proves that a Yale degree does not necessarily come with an education.
" The phrase "angry antiwar democrats" (AAD) contains three of the same thing.
These three terms are synonymous.
This is all the left has.
Apart from murdering unborn Americans and confiscating my money they are to an androgynous being (I would so "to a man" but I fear litigation) AAD.
Their plan for the future of America is frightening.
After last weeks Supreme Court rulings the AAD boiled over.
It appears the pendulum has swung! "Activist Judges" are undoing "progress" made by truly activist judges.
I hope we still have time to undo the damage of the last 35 to 40 yaers of unconstitutional rulings made by the Supremes.
The fact that AAD's are upset that Queen Itchy (Hill) lied to them only proves that the left is indoctrinated and not educated.
If they could not see a Clinton (the dirtier of the two at that) lying for political gain they should not be allowed to vote or to procreate.
As for the paragraph claiming how smart Hill is I say consider the source.
The people that fawn over her are the same indoctrinated Marxists that voted her in and are now AAD.
A message to the left, from Spielberg's Raiders of the Lost Arc: "YOU CHOSE POORLY!" All this being said I want a "do over" of the '92 presidential election.
The election that brought the carnival barker Bill Clinton to power is proving to be more costly than any in American history.
Ever the victim this senator and former butt of Bill Clintons philandering is now claiming she was fooled by G.
Hillary a committed feminist (or is that a feminist that should be committed) should know better than to trust a man, not to mention The Man! That's twice now that poor Hill has been had by Presidents and I don't mean that in the Biblical sense! If this wench can't handle stupid old G.
and can't see the forest for the bush er I mean trees that was Bill's constant cheating what are we to expect from her when dealing with the likes of Mahmood Ahmadinajad or Lil' Kim Jong Il? I thinks it best for Hillary to go back to Wellesley College and check out some of the new Co-Eds.
From what I hear they are even more homosexual and more promiscuous than when Hill attended that fine institution.
Senator Clinton (D NY) along with Senator Robert "KKK" Bryd (D W.
) are not happy with the decisions they made and the votes they cast.
The following is from N.
Daily News.
Hillary Clinton is asking her fellow senators to sign on to her and Sen.
Robert Byrd's plan for an Iraq war vote do-over.
In a letter to all 98 other senators provided to the Daily News yesterday, Clinton (D-N.
) and Byrd (D-W.
) say Congress should haul President Bush back for a new war vote when the Senate debates the 2008 military spending bill in the next few weeks.
" This infantile politicization of the war and Hillary Clinton's responsibility for taking the nation into war is not only irrelevant it is insulting.
Does the "smartest" woman in the world think this is some sort of elementary school kick ball game? You know who Hillary should be asking for a "do over?" I do.
We can start with our honored war dead and the families they left behind.
Then Hillary can go on her hands and knees to the maimed men and women and their families whose lives are forever altered by the vote Hillary was "duped into.
" From there she can crawl to the American contractors who have been killed answering the call of duty as private security forces because of the reckless cutting of the military made by Bill Clinton and the "co-president" Hillary.
All of these people take a backseat when it comes to "social programs" advocated by Clinton and her leftist minions.
Last but certainly not least she should beg the American people for a "do over" regarding the debt incurred for this war which can be laid at the feet of the previous president, her husband.
Is it not incumbent upon a Senator of the United States to inform and educate herself on matters of national security? The stakes have never been higher and she did not even read the National Intelligence Estimate regarding the Iraq crisis.
Why is it that an 18 year old Marine Corps Private holds himself and is held to such a higher standard than the "smartest woman" the country? I believe this reflects the mentality of the perpetual college student.
There is always a "do over" when it comes to professional students.
The University experience is very forgiving especially if you are one of "Best and Brightest.
" Clinton has now voted to cut funding for the war she voted for.
Hillary I believe your democrat is showing! This is so typical of the left.
They are constantly telling everyone that they are smarter, better more enlightened , have superior morality etc.
But as soon as they don't get exactly what they want, by the way what they want is constantly changing, they cry foul.
"I was tricked" Again from N.
Daily News: "That authorization, which references the government of Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction, is no longer relevant," they say.
This is the Clintonian equivalent of saying "Time did not stand still for me!" Damn this linear existence! Whats a girl to do? There is a silver lining in all this, if you're a patriot.
Not only has Hillary fallen on her pug mug, again, she has angered the cretins (no offense to Crete) on the far left of the political spectrum.
That does indeed bring a smile to my face.
This is from The St.
Petersburg Times Philip Gailey http://www.
com "Angry antiwar Democrats are still demanding that Hillary Rodham Clinton apologize for her Senate vote authorizing President Bush to take the nation to war against Iraq.
To be kind about it, Clinton continues to mislead voters about the most important vote she cast as a senator from New York.
It's hard to find a profile of Hillary Clinton that doesn't mention how smart she is - the "brainiest" senator, Washingtonian magazine calls her.
So how did someone so smart allow herself to be duped, as she now claims, by George W.
Bush, who every day proves that a Yale degree does not necessarily come with an education.
" The phrase "angry antiwar democrats" (AAD) contains three of the same thing.
These three terms are synonymous.
This is all the left has.
Apart from murdering unborn Americans and confiscating my money they are to an androgynous being (I would so "to a man" but I fear litigation) AAD.
Their plan for the future of America is frightening.
After last weeks Supreme Court rulings the AAD boiled over.
It appears the pendulum has swung! "Activist Judges" are undoing "progress" made by truly activist judges.
I hope we still have time to undo the damage of the last 35 to 40 yaers of unconstitutional rulings made by the Supremes.
The fact that AAD's are upset that Queen Itchy (Hill) lied to them only proves that the left is indoctrinated and not educated.
If they could not see a Clinton (the dirtier of the two at that) lying for political gain they should not be allowed to vote or to procreate.
As for the paragraph claiming how smart Hill is I say consider the source.
The people that fawn over her are the same indoctrinated Marxists that voted her in and are now AAD.
A message to the left, from Spielberg's Raiders of the Lost Arc: "YOU CHOSE POORLY!" All this being said I want a "do over" of the '92 presidential election.
The election that brought the carnival barker Bill Clinton to power is proving to be more costly than any in American history.