How Does a Regular Guy See the Events That Are Transpiring With Our President-Elect Obama?
Ever since 4 November when we won a fabulous election I have been encouraged by the steps taken by our President Elect.
His choice for cabinet members shows the average person that President Elect Obama is surrounding himself with a staff of knowledgeable and experienced personnel.
He is not on a path of payback for electoral help.
He has further demonstrated his quest for the best when he nominated Senator Clinton as Secretary of State.
His next great step was his decision to have the Secretary of Defense position remaining with Secretary Gates.
This action to keep the Secretary of Defense from the previous administration will ensure a smooth transition of the military.
There has never been an administration that has kept the previous Secretary of Defense.
In the eyes of a regular guy this is a very important aspect of President Elect Obama's ability to lead.
Today I watched the 50 Governors of the United States in a meeting with President Elect Obama.
This is another indication of his unprecedented action when he called the Governors together in this meeting.
He asked the Governors for their help in developing the recovery plan for our economic recovery.
The governors stated this action was also a first.
Never in the history of this country has the President Elect solicited such help from the governor level of government.
As I stated before I am just the average person watching the daily events taking place in forming our future government.
We need strong leadership and I feel our choice for the next president a wise choice.
His choice for cabinet members shows the average person that President Elect Obama is surrounding himself with a staff of knowledgeable and experienced personnel.
He is not on a path of payback for electoral help.
He has further demonstrated his quest for the best when he nominated Senator Clinton as Secretary of State.
His next great step was his decision to have the Secretary of Defense position remaining with Secretary Gates.
This action to keep the Secretary of Defense from the previous administration will ensure a smooth transition of the military.
There has never been an administration that has kept the previous Secretary of Defense.
In the eyes of a regular guy this is a very important aspect of President Elect Obama's ability to lead.
Today I watched the 50 Governors of the United States in a meeting with President Elect Obama.
This is another indication of his unprecedented action when he called the Governors together in this meeting.
He asked the Governors for their help in developing the recovery plan for our economic recovery.
The governors stated this action was also a first.
Never in the history of this country has the President Elect solicited such help from the governor level of government.
As I stated before I am just the average person watching the daily events taking place in forming our future government.
We need strong leadership and I feel our choice for the next president a wise choice.