Automated Litter Boxes: How to Choose the Right One
So you're thinking about getting an automated litter box but you don't know where to start when it comes to price or brand.
In this article I will suggest some steps that can help you narrow your choices and assist you in making an educated choice or to even determine if an automated litter box may not be the way to go.
There are six steps to take before you even start shopping for an automated litter box.
The first is to figure out how much you want to spend.
There are expensive ones and there are inexpensive ones.
But it doesn't stop there every automated cat box has continuing expenses in some way or another for supplies that are consumed in exchange for the convenience of having the box.
For example the ScoopFree automatic litter box requires the purchase of replacement trays or you can buy a forever tray and buy fresh step litter to change.
The second step is deciding on where you are going to put the litter box.
Where you plan to put it or where it can be put can be a narrowing factor in deciding which cat box to buy.
Some of the more popular brands can be rather large and take up space such as the Litter Robot LR II which is about two feet high.
The third thing to consider is the size of your cat.
Most of the automatic cat boxes can accommodate and average sized cat but choices can be limited for larger cats.
For example, the Litter Robot LR II has been reported to be too small for larger cats who can not turn around inside the globe.
Some end up doing their business on the floor.
The LitterMaid Elite Mega LME 9000 is excellent for larger cats because the box area is open and large.
The fourth step is making sure that when you research a specific litter box that you read the recommendations to the number of cats that should be allowed to use the unit.
Most of the automated boxes can accommodate up to three cats or less.
For instance, the CatGenie 120 recommends that it works best with one to two cats but at most it can handle three cats.
The more cats you have the more often you have to empty the box or change out some cleaning supply.
The fifth step is making sure that the location that you have in mind for the box will not disturb you when the motor operates.
One of the complaints that owners of these boxes mention is that they make noise when they are cleaning.
Noise is in the ear of the beholder and everyone has their own noise tolerance level so it's up to you.
One alternative is the LitterMaid Elite Mega LME 9000 which as a sleep timer.
It postpones the cleaning cycle for up to nine hours.
The sixth step is the most important because without it the others are pointless and that step is, whichever automatic cat box you choose you need to anticipate if your cat will be willing to take to it.
Some cat owners know their cat's personality very well and can guess if it will be an easy transition or not.
Either way it's a good idea to make sure the litter boxes you choose as a reasonable length in its return policy should your cat not take to the new box.
We have an in-depth page about automatic litter boxes located under the Litter Box Reviews section at NewCatOwner.
com website.
I recommend you visit this page as we have provided more details about the features and benefits of many popular automatic litter boxes.
In this article I will suggest some steps that can help you narrow your choices and assist you in making an educated choice or to even determine if an automated litter box may not be the way to go.
There are six steps to take before you even start shopping for an automated litter box.
The first is to figure out how much you want to spend.
There are expensive ones and there are inexpensive ones.
But it doesn't stop there every automated cat box has continuing expenses in some way or another for supplies that are consumed in exchange for the convenience of having the box.
For example the ScoopFree automatic litter box requires the purchase of replacement trays or you can buy a forever tray and buy fresh step litter to change.
The second step is deciding on where you are going to put the litter box.
Where you plan to put it or where it can be put can be a narrowing factor in deciding which cat box to buy.
Some of the more popular brands can be rather large and take up space such as the Litter Robot LR II which is about two feet high.
The third thing to consider is the size of your cat.
Most of the automatic cat boxes can accommodate and average sized cat but choices can be limited for larger cats.
For example, the Litter Robot LR II has been reported to be too small for larger cats who can not turn around inside the globe.
Some end up doing their business on the floor.
The LitterMaid Elite Mega LME 9000 is excellent for larger cats because the box area is open and large.
The fourth step is making sure that when you research a specific litter box that you read the recommendations to the number of cats that should be allowed to use the unit.
Most of the automated boxes can accommodate up to three cats or less.
For instance, the CatGenie 120 recommends that it works best with one to two cats but at most it can handle three cats.
The more cats you have the more often you have to empty the box or change out some cleaning supply.
The fifth step is making sure that the location that you have in mind for the box will not disturb you when the motor operates.
One of the complaints that owners of these boxes mention is that they make noise when they are cleaning.
Noise is in the ear of the beholder and everyone has their own noise tolerance level so it's up to you.
One alternative is the LitterMaid Elite Mega LME 9000 which as a sleep timer.
It postpones the cleaning cycle for up to nine hours.
The sixth step is the most important because without it the others are pointless and that step is, whichever automatic cat box you choose you need to anticipate if your cat will be willing to take to it.
Some cat owners know their cat's personality very well and can guess if it will be an easy transition or not.
Either way it's a good idea to make sure the litter boxes you choose as a reasonable length in its return policy should your cat not take to the new box.
We have an in-depth page about automatic litter boxes located under the Litter Box Reviews section at NewCatOwner.
com website.
I recommend you visit this page as we have provided more details about the features and benefits of many popular automatic litter boxes.