How to Incorporate Technology
- 1). Create a schedule for lessons that you will teach throughout the course of the school year or semester. Plan for what type of technologies you will use in the classroom. Base your decision on the material that you are covering at the time. Create a list of different technologies at your disposal such as DVDs, PowerPoint or online classroom platforms like Blackboard.
- 2). Create a media library to incorporate into various lesson plans. For example, download audio and video files that you can incorporate into your lectures. One way to reinforce learning is with some type of short video or audio clip. History teachers can, for example, find different video clips on YouTube that provide documentary video that you can use in class. Well-known television studios like PBS have their own YouTube channel that can be used in the classroom.
- 3). Assign work to complete in class that allows students to use their cell phones. If your school does not have a policy against student cell phone usage, create assignments that allow them to use their smart phones. For instance, the use of Twitter can be one way to facilitate class discussions. Students who are normally hesitant about speaking aloud in class can be encouraged to tweet messages to a social networking site set up specifically for the class.
- 4). Instruct students in the art of electronic research. Many students already know how to use Google as their search engine, but if your school has access to online databases, show them how to conduct searches using online academic journal databases like Ebsco and JSTOR.
- 5). Create PowerPoint slides to supplement all of your lectures. This is probably one of the most time-consuming uses of technology in terms of preparation, but if done correctly, they can be used over and over again as a way to provide both audio and visual material to the class as you lecture.