How To Overcome Your Network Marketing Fears
My thoughts on network marketing, or multilevel marketing (if you prefer) is that it is the greatest business on earth.
However, there are some very trying situations that create fear particularly in the newbie's (such as me).
Using such as the simple concept of finding two or three people, and then helping them to simulate the same process is powerful and exactly what your network marketing business is all about.
This is the leverage of power that your network marketing has its foundation on and works to your advantage.
Most of all it can lead to success financially if done properly.
Nevertheless, there are some fears about network marketing that I have come to recognize personally that if left unchecked will simply ruin all efforts of short and long-term goals regardless of the company or team I'm with: The Fear of Failure: Over the last twenty years or so I have always pondered the "what if" question.
If I had taken on the first network marketing opportunity (a cutlery company) and applied all that I had to give would I have succeeded or failed? Naturally I chose the easy way out and let fear off failing end my pursuit to happiness.
This is how we as humans avoid danger and embarrassment.
The Fear of Rejection: When it comes to fear of rejection, the fact is that 90% of the people I will come in contact with will NOT want to join my business opportunity and that's just the way it is.
The Fear of Financial Loss: This is a real fear and a warranted one.
This fear can stem from making hasty decisions because there is no guidance or forethought in the decision process.
Ultimately it is the result of not having a business plan to follow for success in the short or long-term.
This could also be the result of being involved with a product based multilevel marketing company, not having a sound business plan, and having monthly auto-ships that stack up in the garage or your closet.
So what I have learned about all of this "FEAR" and how overcome your fear: There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Everything in life involves risk.
The key in my opinion is taking calculated risks at everything you choose to pursue.
What I mean by this is to research, study and learn the industry.
Find a network marketing legitimate opportunity that offers a real product or service that benefits the end-user and one you would be proud to show you mother or even your grandmother! Seeing that I have a great company that I represent, a solid business plan for marketing and branding myself, and a product that is necessary for any network marketer or small business owner, I no longer "fear" network marketing because I have a business plan! To your success, Arnold Watson
However, there are some very trying situations that create fear particularly in the newbie's (such as me).
Using such as the simple concept of finding two or three people, and then helping them to simulate the same process is powerful and exactly what your network marketing business is all about.
This is the leverage of power that your network marketing has its foundation on and works to your advantage.
Most of all it can lead to success financially if done properly.
Nevertheless, there are some fears about network marketing that I have come to recognize personally that if left unchecked will simply ruin all efforts of short and long-term goals regardless of the company or team I'm with: The Fear of Failure: Over the last twenty years or so I have always pondered the "what if" question.
If I had taken on the first network marketing opportunity (a cutlery company) and applied all that I had to give would I have succeeded or failed? Naturally I chose the easy way out and let fear off failing end my pursuit to happiness.
This is how we as humans avoid danger and embarrassment.
The Fear of Rejection: When it comes to fear of rejection, the fact is that 90% of the people I will come in contact with will NOT want to join my business opportunity and that's just the way it is.
The Fear of Financial Loss: This is a real fear and a warranted one.
This fear can stem from making hasty decisions because there is no guidance or forethought in the decision process.
Ultimately it is the result of not having a business plan to follow for success in the short or long-term.
This could also be the result of being involved with a product based multilevel marketing company, not having a sound business plan, and having monthly auto-ships that stack up in the garage or your closet.
So what I have learned about all of this "FEAR" and how overcome your fear: There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Everything in life involves risk.
The key in my opinion is taking calculated risks at everything you choose to pursue.
What I mean by this is to research, study and learn the industry.
Find a network marketing legitimate opportunity that offers a real product or service that benefits the end-user and one you would be proud to show you mother or even your grandmother! Seeing that I have a great company that I represent, a solid business plan for marketing and branding myself, and a product that is necessary for any network marketer or small business owner, I no longer "fear" network marketing because I have a business plan! To your success, Arnold Watson