Information on Grenoble Climate & Weather
- The average temperature in Grenoble is 52 degrees F, according to Climate Temp Info. In July it is frequently 79 degrees F and in December the average low is 27 degrees.
- The rainiest month in Grenoble is September. In a year, the rainfall is about 38.8 inches. The town receives an average of 3.2 inches of rain each month. Grenoble gets frost for about 77 days every year; most of those days occur in January.
- Humidity levels average 73.9 percent. The most humid month is December, when levels easily reach 80 percent. In April it is relatively dry at about 69 percent humidity.
- Grenoble has an average of 2,081 hours of sunlight in one year. In July the sun is in full swing with 9.1 sunlight hours in a day. In December there are only about 2.1 sunlight hours per day.