How to Remove Oil From a Lava Lamp
- 1). Wipe up as much of the waxy oil as you can with an absorbent, disposable towel.
- 2). Place ice cubes in a plastic bag. Press the bag against the silicon oil to cool and harden it. Pick up as much of it as you can with your fingers. Follow up with a vacuum.
- 3). Moisten a sponge with a small amount of dry-cleaning solvent. Blot at any remaining wax and coloring. Don't scrub at it or the wax and dye will go deeper into the carpet.
- 4). Place a dry, white cloth on the stain and press the tip of a warm (not hot) iron on it to transfer the wax from the carpet onto the cloth. Repeat again--each time with a clean part of the cloth--until the wax is all gone.
- 5). Repeat Step 2 again if any coloring remains.