What if the Government Stopped Wasting Taxpayers Monies?
What if our government stopped spending like a Drunken Sailor on pet projects and crap? What if we had responsible politicians who did not put the citizenry in hawk for their previous poor judgment? Why should taxpayers have to pay when government officials make mistakes? Why should the United State's taxpayers pay for the Chinese Governments war machine build up? Why should the money flow outside Washington D.
receive two-thirds of the government's expenditures? Why do we accept incompetence in government from our bureaucrats in all agencies? Why don't we make the government agencies perform and actually do something? Why do we allow excuses from our government such as they need more money, when they are already failing in tier mission? Why is lack of money every agency's excuse when they screw up? Why don't we have better transparency in our government? Why do we allow them to make rules and regulations like Sarbanes Oxley, which overwhelm companies and over burden their efficiency, when we allow government to go unchecked? Why do we even believe for one minute that government has ever done anything very well? Why do we put up with the lies and public relations fluff when we know that they are totally and utterly incompetent? How much more should we allow before calling for a complete over haul and kicking their butts out of Washington D.
; all of them, every last one of the two-bit scoundrels.
Think on this.
receive two-thirds of the government's expenditures? Why do we accept incompetence in government from our bureaucrats in all agencies? Why don't we make the government agencies perform and actually do something? Why do we allow excuses from our government such as they need more money, when they are already failing in tier mission? Why is lack of money every agency's excuse when they screw up? Why don't we have better transparency in our government? Why do we allow them to make rules and regulations like Sarbanes Oxley, which overwhelm companies and over burden their efficiency, when we allow government to go unchecked? Why do we even believe for one minute that government has ever done anything very well? Why do we put up with the lies and public relations fluff when we know that they are totally and utterly incompetent? How much more should we allow before calling for a complete over haul and kicking their butts out of Washington D.
; all of them, every last one of the two-bit scoundrels.
Think on this.