Natural Pain Relief
- The following herbal supplements are safe for long term continuous use as in the case of someone suffering from chronic pain. But as with any treatment, you should always seek the advice of a medical professional.
Boswellia relieves pain without causing stomach upset. It works in a similar manner as the prescription drug Celebrex. Take 150 milligrams three times daily. Cayenne in the form of capsaicin cream is a well known pain reliever. Take as directed on the label. Clematis increases the threshold of pain. This is good for people with chronic pain because as the pain continues, anxiety and depression can develop and people become more sensitive to the pain and it can appear worse than it is. Take as directed on the label. Condurango tincture relieves pain and can also restore appetite. Take one teaspoon in a quarter cup of water three times a day. Echinacea can help relieve pain in patients with advanced cancer. Take one teaspoon of tincture in a quarter cup of water three times daily. Ginger lessens production of pain-causing cytokines. Take tablets at 200 milligrams three times a day. Kava fluidexract is a well known pain reliever that also helps with sleep. Take one teaspoon in a quarter cup of water before bedtime. Meadowsweet is good for stomach pain. Take 30 to 60 drops of tincture in a quarter cup of water up to four times daily. Pau d'arco tea is a natural analgesic; it also stimulates the immune system to fight bacteria. Prepare one teaspoon of the loose herb in one cup of water. You can drink one cup at a time, up to eight times a day. Tumeric stops pain and inflammation. Take 400 milligrams in curcumin form three times a day. Willow relieves pain in a manner similar to aspirin; they contain similar compounds responsible for pain relief. Take capsules as directed on the label.
Do not use cayenne on broken skin. Keep away from the eyes and mouth. Do not use willow if you are sensitive or allergic to aspirin. - Lipoic acid contains compounds that are good for our muscles. Taking 600 milligrams daily can help with chronic muscle pain. A study led by Y. Shir that was published in the January 1998 edition of Neuroscience Letters found that regularly eating soy foods like soymilk, tofu, and miso can reduce chronic pain. They found that the soy foods reduced activity of the sympathetic nervous system, the system essential for the sensation of pain.
Herbal Treatments
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