Mosquito Repellent Tea
- To make lemon grass tea, pour boiling water over a heaping tablespoon of lemon grass and let it steep for about 20 minutes. Rub it on your skin. This tea offers about four hours of protection.
- Make a strong tea by soaking lemon peels and peppermint in a covered container overnight. Strain and pour it into a spray bottle.
- Catnip tea is made the same way as lemon grass tea is made. Pour boiling water over a heaping tablespoon of catnip and let it steep for about 20 minutes. Research done at Iowa State University showed that catnip is 10 times more effective than DEET when used as a mosquito repellent.
- Celery seeds act as a mosquito repellent, according to researchers a the University of Maryland Medical Center. Pour a cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of freshly crushed seeds to make a tea. Steep for 20 minutes, strain and drink. Consult your doctor before using this tea as it can cause side effects, especially when taken with other herbs or medications.
Lemon Grass
Celery Seed