Hemorrhoid Pain Relief - Take Advantage of These Four Easy Tips
If you're dealing with hemorrhoid pain, you may feel like you're all alone in your agony since no one really wants to talk about it.
The funny thing is that hemorrhoids affect so many people.
It's unfortunate that many of those same people just endure their pain because they don't realize there are methods that can help give them hemorrhoid pain relief.
Check out a few tips you can use right now to help make the pain go away.
Cold compresses Hemorrhoids consist of blood vessels that have swollen, usually due to straining during a hard bowel movement.
When these blood vessels swell, the hemorrhoid can become inflamed and cause lots of pain.
To reduce swelling, try applying an ice pack or compress.
Simply put a few ice cubes in a plastic bag, wrap it in a towel and apply to swollen hemorrhoids for 15-minute intervals, then remove for 15 minutes.
Continue to alternate until some of the swelling goes down and you get relief.
Warm baths If the thought of adding ice to your bottom doesn't appeal to you, a warm bath may do the trick.
Just soak in a tub filled with warm water for about 15 to 20 minutes.
You may want to add a little Epsom salt to help soothe your hemorrhoids, as well as reduce swelling even more.
Furthermore, to get the same effect without running a bath, you can buy a little toilet tub that fits over your toilet seat.
Simply fill it with warm water and sit down on it just as you would if you were in your bathtub.
Witch hazel wipes Another great way to reduce swelling and relieve pain is by using an astringent.
Witch hazel is an effective and natural astringent that works to shrink swollen tissues.
Apply a little to a baby wipe and use it to gently soothe your hemorrhoid.
You can find it at just about any store or supermarket.
Plus, for added convenience, you can buy wipes that contain witch hazel - already packaged - so you can easily take them with you.
The funny thing is that hemorrhoids affect so many people.
It's unfortunate that many of those same people just endure their pain because they don't realize there are methods that can help give them hemorrhoid pain relief.
Check out a few tips you can use right now to help make the pain go away.
Cold compresses Hemorrhoids consist of blood vessels that have swollen, usually due to straining during a hard bowel movement.
When these blood vessels swell, the hemorrhoid can become inflamed and cause lots of pain.
To reduce swelling, try applying an ice pack or compress.
Simply put a few ice cubes in a plastic bag, wrap it in a towel and apply to swollen hemorrhoids for 15-minute intervals, then remove for 15 minutes.
Continue to alternate until some of the swelling goes down and you get relief.
Warm baths If the thought of adding ice to your bottom doesn't appeal to you, a warm bath may do the trick.
Just soak in a tub filled with warm water for about 15 to 20 minutes.
You may want to add a little Epsom salt to help soothe your hemorrhoids, as well as reduce swelling even more.
Furthermore, to get the same effect without running a bath, you can buy a little toilet tub that fits over your toilet seat.
Simply fill it with warm water and sit down on it just as you would if you were in your bathtub.
Witch hazel wipes Another great way to reduce swelling and relieve pain is by using an astringent.
Witch hazel is an effective and natural astringent that works to shrink swollen tissues.
Apply a little to a baby wipe and use it to gently soothe your hemorrhoid.
You can find it at just about any store or supermarket.
Plus, for added convenience, you can buy wipes that contain witch hazel - already packaged - so you can easily take them with you.