How to Disable Sysinternals Antivirus
- 1). Press "Ctrl," "Shift" and "Escape."
- 2). Click the "Processes" tab of the Task Manager.
- 3). End the following processes. To end a process, right-click the process and select "End Process."
Sysinternals Antivirus.exe
ccsrr.exe - 4). Close the Task Manager.
- 1). Click "Start," type "regedit" into the search field and press "Enter" to open the Registry Editor.
- 2). Delete the following registry values from the Registry Editor. To delete a registry value, right-click the value in the right pane of the Registry Editor and select "Delete." If you have trouble locating a particular value, click "Edit," "Find," type the value into the search field and click "Find Next."
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sysinternals Antivirus
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MicrosoftWindows\CurrentVersion\ExplorerBrowser Helper Objects{149256D5-E103-4523-BB43-2CFB066839D6}
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MicrosoftWindows\CurrentVersion\Run "novavapp"
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware\MicrosoftWindows\CurrentVersion\Run "novavappr" - 3). Close the Registry Editor.
- 1). Click "Start," type "cmd" into the search field and press "Enter" to open the Command Prompt.
- 2). Type the following commands into the Command Prompt. Press "Enter" after each command.
regsvr32 /u adc_w32.dll
regsvr32 /u adc32.dll
del Sysinternals Antivirus.exe
del adc_w32.dll
del alggui.exe
del extra1.dat
del extra2.dat
del nuar.old
del skynet.dat
del svchost.exe
del wp3.dat
del wp4.dat
del dbsinit.exe
del wispex.html
del ccsmn.exe
del ccsmn151.acf
del ccsmn151.lti
del ccsmn151_0.acb
del ccsmn151_0.aci
del ccsrr.exe
del wmharun.log
del wmrun.log
del Sysinternals Antivirus.lnk
del adc32.dll - 3). Type "exit" and press "Enter" to close the Command Prompt.
End Processes
Delete Registry Values
Delete Files and Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs)