How to Become a Hippie
Things You'll Need
1Shed most of your belongings. Say what you want about the hippie lifestyle, it was not one concerned with ownership. The hippie community was truly communal and about the only item that absolutely needs to be owned by anyone hoping to become a hippie is a decent stereo. In addition to owning the stereo, you'll need a collection of psychedelic and protest rock including albums by the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and Jefferson Airplane.
Learn the lingo. Hippies speak in their own jargon and you must learn it before you can become a real hippie. Among the most important hippie jargon are the following.
Bag: your own "thing"
Groovy: excellently cool
Super: better than normal
Freak: a compliment directed to someone who is really into the hippie lifestyle
Dress down. Hippie shirts tended to feature homemade art such as tie dye designs. The standard pants for both male and female are blue jeans and the more faded they are, the better. For best results, your clothing should look like it hasn't been changed in a week.
Call for peace. No true hippie would stand by and let the war in Iraq take place without taking to the streets in protest. At least some of your shirts should the peace sign and no conversation should ever take place that doesn't end with your flashing the peace sign and actually saying, simply, "peace."
Engage in free love. The traditional form of free love practiced by hippies is downright dangerous and hardly recommended. Instead, to become a real hippie, you can just refuse to get all caught up in the ownership bag. Don't treat your main squeeze like you own him or her and don't tread in the downer that is being overly jealous and possessive. Learn to live with the fact that love is intended to be shared and human beings can't demand ownership of each other.