Cat Safety
All cat owners want their cat to have a long, happy and healthy life.
However, this doesn't just happen, it is your responsibility as a cat owner to make it happen.
Remember that your cat relies on you for its safety and protection, and therefore need to pay attention to these issues and take your responsibility seriously.
Perhaps the single most important thing that you can do to improve your cat's safety is to make your cat an indoor cat.
This removes the risk of your cat being injured by traffic, or stolen or injured by maladjusted people (unfortunately there are some people like that out there).
Of course, making your cat an indoor cat is a big decision, and one that you should consider very carefully - because many people feel that indoor cats are deprived of many of the pleasures that cats enjoy.
Whether or not you decide to make your cat an exclusively indoor cat, your cat will be spending a lot of time in your home.
You must therefore ensure that your home is cat safe: - Get down to floor level and look for things that may be potentially dangerous to your cat.
For example: remove anything that your cat may swallow and choke on it, tie-up or remove any dangling electrical wires, and either remove or put houseplants inaccessible locations (since many common houseplants are poisonous to cats).
- Many cats are injured or killed by falls from high places.
Second story or higher windows should be closed and preferably locked, or at least securely screened.
Regular visits to your vet are also an important aspect of looking after your cat.
You should be sure to discuss having your cat spayed or neutered, with your vet - as apart from unwanted kittens and the unpleasant behavior of a cat in heat, this can prevent many types of cancers and cat diseases, and also stops male cats getting into fights over females.
However, this doesn't just happen, it is your responsibility as a cat owner to make it happen.
Remember that your cat relies on you for its safety and protection, and therefore need to pay attention to these issues and take your responsibility seriously.
Perhaps the single most important thing that you can do to improve your cat's safety is to make your cat an indoor cat.
This removes the risk of your cat being injured by traffic, or stolen or injured by maladjusted people (unfortunately there are some people like that out there).
Of course, making your cat an indoor cat is a big decision, and one that you should consider very carefully - because many people feel that indoor cats are deprived of many of the pleasures that cats enjoy.
Whether or not you decide to make your cat an exclusively indoor cat, your cat will be spending a lot of time in your home.
You must therefore ensure that your home is cat safe: - Get down to floor level and look for things that may be potentially dangerous to your cat.
For example: remove anything that your cat may swallow and choke on it, tie-up or remove any dangling electrical wires, and either remove or put houseplants inaccessible locations (since many common houseplants are poisonous to cats).
- Many cats are injured or killed by falls from high places.
Second story or higher windows should be closed and preferably locked, or at least securely screened.
Regular visits to your vet are also an important aspect of looking after your cat.
You should be sure to discuss having your cat spayed or neutered, with your vet - as apart from unwanted kittens and the unpleasant behavior of a cat in heat, this can prevent many types of cancers and cat diseases, and also stops male cats getting into fights over females.