Ideas for "Love" Word Tattoos
- An ambigram is a form of typographic play where the orientation of a word is altered. In tattoo work, ambigrams usually mean a tattoo where you read the word from left to right and when you look at the word upside down you can still read the word. The letter shapes have been manipulated just so to create this effect. So you can double the love with a clever visual design. You can also have an ambigram design that says one word right side up, and then once the design is flipped over, it says a different word. Ambigram designs can be put anywhere, but work well for rib or side tattoos because you can read the words both ways without having to contort your body to be able to see the full effect of the design.
- The word "love" can be used to create a desired shape. The tattoo artist repeats the word to form the contours of the shape and can also fill it in with more repetitions of the word to add color. A popular shape that is made with the word "love" is, naturally, a heart. Other popular "love" designs are angels and flower wreaths. Flower wreaths traditionally symbolize romance or romantic feelings and can be used to show your care and passion for another individual.
- Love can be said in many different languages. If you want a love tattoo that is a bit more conspicuous, you can get the word "love" tattooed in a different language. Amore, or love in Italian, or el amor, which is love in Spanish, are popular "love" words for tattoos. You might also get a symbol, such as a Chinese or Japanese character for "love," tattooed.
- Sometimes just the word "love" does not fully capture your feelings about something or someone. A quote about love might express the power or nuance of your feelings better. Look for meaningful quotes from poetry or song lyrics or timeless aphorisms about love. When looking for a love quote, make sure you know the true meaning of it so that you do not get a saying permanently put on your skin that doesn't really mean what you initially thought it did.
Foreign Language