How to Grow a Ranunculus Plant
- 1). Locate a sunny area with well-draining soil to plant ranunculus. To help improve drainage, incorporate 2 to 3 inches of compost into the soil.
- 2). Dig holes that are 2 inches deep, spacing each hole 4 to 6 inches apart. Make the holes wide enough so the plant fits easily into the hole.
- 3). Examine the ranunculus tuber to determine which end is the bottom. Think of each tuber like a bunch of bananas or claws, where the claws or bananas point down -- that is the bottom.
- 4). Plant the ranunculus so the bottom section is pointed down. Cover the tuber with soil and tamp the soil down lightly. Set the tuber 2 inches below the soil.
- 5). Water the ranunculus bed thoroughly so the water goes down deep into the soil. Place the sprayer nozzle onto your garden hose and spray the area. The area will have enough water when the moisture has reached a depth of 6 inches.
- 6). Mulch with stray or leaves to protect the tubers from fluctuating temperatures. In the spring when the temperatures warm, remove the mulch covering.
- 7). Water the soil only if the ground is dry. The ranunculus grows and flowers in March.
- 8). Cut the spent flowers off to encourage more blooms, or cut some of the open flowers for a colorful bouquet. Do not cut the foliage off, because the leaves help the ranunculus to store up food for next season. Only remove the foliage after it has died back. Do not water when the plant goes into dormancy.