Tips to Write Quick-N-Quality Article
Full-Time working professionals like me don't really want to spend more than 20 minutes a day on writing articles.
I understand this is nothing but a writing blasphemy, the content writing strategy "Content is king", and all.
However, when I have a full-time job with lucrative salary and family to look after, I simply cannot spare ample time to spend hours buffing up every single piece of writing.
Conversely, writing quickly doesn't mean compromising on quality of writing even.
So, here are quick tips to get you in and out of that composition box- without sacrificing quality.
Maintain list of ideas: Almost every blogger and content creators tussle to choose an interesting topic to write and thus spends half of their valuable time in taking this very initial decision.
The moment any idea for your next post strikes your mind, jot it down in a piece of paper immediately.
Maintaining list of ideas lets you dive in to a new post quickly the moment when you're ready to write.
Nurture your ideas: You cannot force yourself to come up with any opinionated information to lean your innovative idea without ado.
Remember, it's going to take ages.
You need to be calm, serene but quick.
Let the idea incubate for few days.
Give way to new ideas to mingle with the earlier one.
The moment you decide to pen down your thoughts in the form of article, you will find yourself in the midst of supporting info you need.
Amend before commencement: Your smart brain is now loaded with ideas, its high-time to ease your brain from it.
It's time to be fierce to outline any opinionated information deflecting from the focus of the article.
Have off pat we are talking about how to write quick-n-quality article and, not an epic.
Be choosy about your content and be specific about your message through the article.
List your points: It is always easy for reader's eye to follow with the points which are bulleted or numbered.
It is the most easiest and effective way of writing an article in terms of organization.
You are no more hemmed in to fathom transitions from one inspiration to the next.
Short and sweet: This is the most important quality one must learn or should possess.
Various studies and analysis shows that the articles within 500 words with vital information and keywords are the one mostly read.
Never let the notion come into your mind that higher the word count higher is the quality.
Do not think that you are skimping on quality content, either.
Your zeal should be to write an article chock full of information without letting quality slip, thus you'll save time to balance your family-work-hobby.
Devoid of thought: If you feel yourself in the middle of nowhere while writing, just move away your mind from it.
Save your work and move on to something else.
Come up with a bang the moment a new inspiration strikes.
In fact you can work on two blog posts in a go or switch from one blog post to another, spending few minutes on each.
Avoid saving the best idea: Your list of ideas will tempt you whenever you look through them.
Avoid saving some as you never want to grow the thought that they'll be easier to write.
Don't save time for future save it for now.
Always run for the articles you are confident of handling easily and make most of that time.
Tag on these mantras and you'll be showing up with brilliant articles in a fraction of time.
I understand this is nothing but a writing blasphemy, the content writing strategy "Content is king", and all.
However, when I have a full-time job with lucrative salary and family to look after, I simply cannot spare ample time to spend hours buffing up every single piece of writing.
Conversely, writing quickly doesn't mean compromising on quality of writing even.
So, here are quick tips to get you in and out of that composition box- without sacrificing quality.
Maintain list of ideas: Almost every blogger and content creators tussle to choose an interesting topic to write and thus spends half of their valuable time in taking this very initial decision.
The moment any idea for your next post strikes your mind, jot it down in a piece of paper immediately.
Maintaining list of ideas lets you dive in to a new post quickly the moment when you're ready to write.
Nurture your ideas: You cannot force yourself to come up with any opinionated information to lean your innovative idea without ado.
Remember, it's going to take ages.
You need to be calm, serene but quick.
Let the idea incubate for few days.
Give way to new ideas to mingle with the earlier one.
The moment you decide to pen down your thoughts in the form of article, you will find yourself in the midst of supporting info you need.
Amend before commencement: Your smart brain is now loaded with ideas, its high-time to ease your brain from it.
It's time to be fierce to outline any opinionated information deflecting from the focus of the article.
Have off pat we are talking about how to write quick-n-quality article and, not an epic.
Be choosy about your content and be specific about your message through the article.
List your points: It is always easy for reader's eye to follow with the points which are bulleted or numbered.
It is the most easiest and effective way of writing an article in terms of organization.
You are no more hemmed in to fathom transitions from one inspiration to the next.
Short and sweet: This is the most important quality one must learn or should possess.
Various studies and analysis shows that the articles within 500 words with vital information and keywords are the one mostly read.
Never let the notion come into your mind that higher the word count higher is the quality.
Do not think that you are skimping on quality content, either.
Your zeal should be to write an article chock full of information without letting quality slip, thus you'll save time to balance your family-work-hobby.
Devoid of thought: If you feel yourself in the middle of nowhere while writing, just move away your mind from it.
Save your work and move on to something else.
Come up with a bang the moment a new inspiration strikes.
In fact you can work on two blog posts in a go or switch from one blog post to another, spending few minutes on each.
Avoid saving the best idea: Your list of ideas will tempt you whenever you look through them.
Avoid saving some as you never want to grow the thought that they'll be easier to write.
Don't save time for future save it for now.
Always run for the articles you are confident of handling easily and make most of that time.
Tag on these mantras and you'll be showing up with brilliant articles in a fraction of time.