Everything is in Place, Why Isn"t the Phone Ringing?
Like so many others in this day and age, that deep chasm between having your own business and where you are standing doesn't seem quite so wide anymore. Your job no longer offers stability, and the higher-ups aren't quite so talkative anymore. The mood has changed somehow, but you can't quite put your finger on what. Everyone is looking over their shoulder waiting for the boss to knock on the cubicle. It's time for a change. But what to do?
You've often thought about starting your own business. You may have even sat in a meeting hall or banquet room somewhere in a seminar and listened to someone tell you what a good idea it is. You figured, Hey, I like fixing things, maybe I will give up the stress and become a handyman!
Good plan! Welcome to the real world. You've got the idea. You've got the drive. You've got the know-how. Now, who in the Heck are you going to sell to? Hmmm...
Steve Davis of Fresh Lead Systems USA may have a solution for you. We created something for one purpose, and found a little nugget of gold in the process. In the course of our normal week, we contact homeowners across the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and surrounding area offering our services to those in need of them. We can assist only a portion of them by buying or selling their home. As you might imagine, the process generates many leads who we either cannot work with at present or cannot work with at all. Still, in the process of gathering all that is necessary, we gain a LOT of useful information.
Now that you are the master of your own destiny, it's can be staggering how much more painful it is using your own money for advertising. As we all know, in business when things look bleak, we often look to the advertising budget as the first sacrifice. But how do we grow our business without advertising to generate fresh leads? We can help you there. We have created the infrastructure for our own ends. We are creating new business for ourselves every day. Thanks to the Law of Unintended Consequences, we also have a lot information, and possibilities, that we can't use. For example, we collect financial and mortgage information from our prospects. If the situation turns out to be one with which we cannot work, who's to say that you, the mortgage broker, can't. Many of the homes we see need repair and remodeling. Is there a contractor in the house? Our potential clients, like everyone else need cleaning services, painters, roofers, moving trucks, attorneys, etc. The major difference here: our prospects are looking.
Davis and his team ask pointed and detailed questions to create a complete profile of the prospect and their situation. Through us you can use this information to contact potential clients. You get the all important lead, and we get some of the cost of the advertising back. It's the proverbial win-win situation. You know how much it costs to advertise your services. Run a newspaper ad, and you are out at least a couple of hundred dollars. Website? There's a nice monthly chunk of change, not to mention all the work it takes to make certain you are near the top of the search engines. Word of mouth and mailings? Who has time? We collect all the information you will ever need, at a fraction of the cost of getting it yourself. And we do it by direct communication, most often by phone or face-to-face interviews. This is quality and complete information, not like the garbage gathered by the search engine bots.
If you can use these leads the same day we get them, we will email them to you when and however often you like. We will pass on to you the prospect information exactly as it was given to us, no filtering. You can have as many leads as you feel you can afford and may stop the service at any time. Our system will send them to you automatically and only charge for those you use. All we need from you is your permission and a credit card number on our easy to complete agreement at our home page, [http://www.freshleadsystemsusa.com]. You will also find a complete list of the information we gather for our prospects. You can see immediately if this will meet you needs. We think it will.
I know what you are thinking: why pay us for what you can do yourself? We've already mentioned that using our service will drastically reduce the cost of acquiring potential customers. You will pay the barest fraction of what it would cost you normally, and only a small part of what it costs us. In the current business climate you need all the advantages you can get. Do the math. If you pay $25 per lead, and only hit on, say one 1 out of 5. Yes you are out $125, about the cost of the average classified add in your local paper), but you have gained a client, potentially for a lifetime. I have a feeling that with the right relationship and your quality service you can recoup that quickly, perhaps even on the first job. Many business boast a first year customer value of $2000 or more. Think of it: all the new customers you can handle, and you didn't have to work to get them. Is that $125 looking any smaller now. Once you see the value of our service, you might even consider re tasking money from a less profitable advertising expense to these highly profitable, qualified, dare-we-say willing leads. Would you hand me $100 if I could hand you $1000 in return? Would you really need to think about it that much.
Remember, advertising isn't an expense, it's an investment. Spend a little now to receive a lot more later. Like all investments, choosing the right services and partners makes all the difference. In this day and age, the only person you can truly count on is yourself. That's not to say that there aren't those out there who can and will help you succeed. Steve Davis believes that helping others, building strong relationships, and making a profit along the way is a win-win. Visit [http://www.freshleadsystemsusa.com].
You've often thought about starting your own business. You may have even sat in a meeting hall or banquet room somewhere in a seminar and listened to someone tell you what a good idea it is. You figured, Hey, I like fixing things, maybe I will give up the stress and become a handyman!
Good plan! Welcome to the real world. You've got the idea. You've got the drive. You've got the know-how. Now, who in the Heck are you going to sell to? Hmmm...
Steve Davis of Fresh Lead Systems USA may have a solution for you. We created something for one purpose, and found a little nugget of gold in the process. In the course of our normal week, we contact homeowners across the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and surrounding area offering our services to those in need of them. We can assist only a portion of them by buying or selling their home. As you might imagine, the process generates many leads who we either cannot work with at present or cannot work with at all. Still, in the process of gathering all that is necessary, we gain a LOT of useful information.
Now that you are the master of your own destiny, it's can be staggering how much more painful it is using your own money for advertising. As we all know, in business when things look bleak, we often look to the advertising budget as the first sacrifice. But how do we grow our business without advertising to generate fresh leads? We can help you there. We have created the infrastructure for our own ends. We are creating new business for ourselves every day. Thanks to the Law of Unintended Consequences, we also have a lot information, and possibilities, that we can't use. For example, we collect financial and mortgage information from our prospects. If the situation turns out to be one with which we cannot work, who's to say that you, the mortgage broker, can't. Many of the homes we see need repair and remodeling. Is there a contractor in the house? Our potential clients, like everyone else need cleaning services, painters, roofers, moving trucks, attorneys, etc. The major difference here: our prospects are looking.
Davis and his team ask pointed and detailed questions to create a complete profile of the prospect and their situation. Through us you can use this information to contact potential clients. You get the all important lead, and we get some of the cost of the advertising back. It's the proverbial win-win situation. You know how much it costs to advertise your services. Run a newspaper ad, and you are out at least a couple of hundred dollars. Website? There's a nice monthly chunk of change, not to mention all the work it takes to make certain you are near the top of the search engines. Word of mouth and mailings? Who has time? We collect all the information you will ever need, at a fraction of the cost of getting it yourself. And we do it by direct communication, most often by phone or face-to-face interviews. This is quality and complete information, not like the garbage gathered by the search engine bots.
If you can use these leads the same day we get them, we will email them to you when and however often you like. We will pass on to you the prospect information exactly as it was given to us, no filtering. You can have as many leads as you feel you can afford and may stop the service at any time. Our system will send them to you automatically and only charge for those you use. All we need from you is your permission and a credit card number on our easy to complete agreement at our home page, [http://www.freshleadsystemsusa.com]. You will also find a complete list of the information we gather for our prospects. You can see immediately if this will meet you needs. We think it will.
I know what you are thinking: why pay us for what you can do yourself? We've already mentioned that using our service will drastically reduce the cost of acquiring potential customers. You will pay the barest fraction of what it would cost you normally, and only a small part of what it costs us. In the current business climate you need all the advantages you can get. Do the math. If you pay $25 per lead, and only hit on, say one 1 out of 5. Yes you are out $125, about the cost of the average classified add in your local paper), but you have gained a client, potentially for a lifetime. I have a feeling that with the right relationship and your quality service you can recoup that quickly, perhaps even on the first job. Many business boast a first year customer value of $2000 or more. Think of it: all the new customers you can handle, and you didn't have to work to get them. Is that $125 looking any smaller now. Once you see the value of our service, you might even consider re tasking money from a less profitable advertising expense to these highly profitable, qualified, dare-we-say willing leads. Would you hand me $100 if I could hand you $1000 in return? Would you really need to think about it that much.
Remember, advertising isn't an expense, it's an investment. Spend a little now to receive a lot more later. Like all investments, choosing the right services and partners makes all the difference. In this day and age, the only person you can truly count on is yourself. That's not to say that there aren't those out there who can and will help you succeed. Steve Davis believes that helping others, building strong relationships, and making a profit along the way is a win-win. Visit [http://www.freshleadsystemsusa.com].