Meeting and Dating the Wrong Guys!
Achieving balanced physical, emotional and intellectual connections between love partners does not have to be a daunting task.
Neither does finding the type of partner who can help establish that balance - your great guy.
If you are struggling with meeting the type of man that you really want, you are not alone.
There are an estimated 53 million single women in the U.
and almost 20 million of them live alone.
Working extensively with single women I have noticed a recurring common issue that inhibit their ability to establish a meaningful love connection.
Meeting and dating the wrong men.
Many women believe that they are attracted to the wrong kind of man.
Others believe that it is their nature to attract the wrong kind of man.
We have discovered that this issue has more to do with repulsion than attraction.
Women suffering from this issue are typically unaware that they project and communicate the wrong messages.
Great guys are tuned into facial expressions, body language, key words and phrases.
If you chase off all the balanced great guys through misguided verbal and non-verbal communication then your entire potential dating pool will consist of the wrong guys.
It becomes easy to believe that you are attracted to and attracting these type of men.
The good news is that this is an easy issue to fix.
Often women with this issue experience a conflict of hope and fear when they meet a new potential dating partner.
The hope that this one is the right guy and the fear that history will repeat itself.
Without help, it surely will.
Women who continually date the wrong guys typically exhibit an exaggerated focus on the negative dating and relationship outcomes of the past.
This behavior actually attracts selfish, desperate, and or abusive men while repelling balanced, great guys.
To a great guy this focus on past negative outcomes is like saying, "fix me now and I will become a great partner later.
" Great guys may participate in a sexual encounter but don't normally consider women with this issue for serious long-term love relationships.
Customary advice from friends and family often includes the need to keep on trying.
Great advice if coupled with certain behavioral changes.
If not then it becomes the classic definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.
" I strongly recommend seeking a date coach.
Coaching provides an adjustment of focus to positive versus negative past dating and relationship outcomes combined with a set of trust rules.
Developing the ability to recognize balanced male behavior is a critical part of coaching women with this issue.
Coaching should also include an emphasis on projecting positive verbal and non-verbal communication to dating prospects.
Neither does finding the type of partner who can help establish that balance - your great guy.
If you are struggling with meeting the type of man that you really want, you are not alone.
There are an estimated 53 million single women in the U.
and almost 20 million of them live alone.
Working extensively with single women I have noticed a recurring common issue that inhibit their ability to establish a meaningful love connection.
Meeting and dating the wrong men.
Many women believe that they are attracted to the wrong kind of man.
Others believe that it is their nature to attract the wrong kind of man.
We have discovered that this issue has more to do with repulsion than attraction.
Women suffering from this issue are typically unaware that they project and communicate the wrong messages.
Great guys are tuned into facial expressions, body language, key words and phrases.
If you chase off all the balanced great guys through misguided verbal and non-verbal communication then your entire potential dating pool will consist of the wrong guys.
It becomes easy to believe that you are attracted to and attracting these type of men.
The good news is that this is an easy issue to fix.
Often women with this issue experience a conflict of hope and fear when they meet a new potential dating partner.
The hope that this one is the right guy and the fear that history will repeat itself.
Without help, it surely will.
Women who continually date the wrong guys typically exhibit an exaggerated focus on the negative dating and relationship outcomes of the past.
This behavior actually attracts selfish, desperate, and or abusive men while repelling balanced, great guys.
To a great guy this focus on past negative outcomes is like saying, "fix me now and I will become a great partner later.
" Great guys may participate in a sexual encounter but don't normally consider women with this issue for serious long-term love relationships.
Customary advice from friends and family often includes the need to keep on trying.
Great advice if coupled with certain behavioral changes.
If not then it becomes the classic definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.
" I strongly recommend seeking a date coach.
Coaching provides an adjustment of focus to positive versus negative past dating and relationship outcomes combined with a set of trust rules.
Developing the ability to recognize balanced male behavior is a critical part of coaching women with this issue.
Coaching should also include an emphasis on projecting positive verbal and non-verbal communication to dating prospects.