Why Conservatism isn"t Cool
I don't think that you would find too many people that will argue the fact that conservatism is cool.
Even many of my conservative colleagues would have to agree with me on that one.
That being said, do you ever wonder why being a conservative isn't "cool"?I have pondered the question and have come up with some possible reasons.
To be cool you have to be part of the crowd, following blindly the one's who tell you that you are cool.
This fits squarely into the liberal frame of mind.
Don't ask what we are about; just know that you need us.
A recent fad in this country is what I like to call "Power by Committee".
It is a way in which liberals who were not trusted enough to be elected, are now trying to grab power by forming committees for everything from monitoring hospitals to telling you how you can donate your money to a candidate of your choice.
The come on is always the same.
Find an issue in which you can exploit the poor and uneducated.
Use race to split people into groups and let them feel victimized by the situation.
There is only one problem with this plan voters don't usually buy it.
Thank goodness for that, if not we may have to have committees to oversee the committees and waste even more tax dollars.
Speaking of waste that brings me to my next point.
To be cool you have to offer something.
In liberals case it is welfare and lots of it.
The welfare decline of the Clinton years led to the Disability Social Security boom of the Clinton years.
Many people got off welfare just in time to get their disability checks.
They simply switched entitlements.
Here is an entitlement I'll bet you never hear anything about on the evening news.
It is a backdoor entitlement called Head of Household and Earned Income Credit.
Of course you know these terms from our tax code.
It is a way in which people who make a small income are rewarded with a large tax return.
I have never had a problem with low-income workers getting a full refund if their income falls below a certain mark.
With that being said it makes no sense to give a person that paid in $1500.
00 in taxes a $6000.
00 check.
It's cool to be the "man".
Unfortunately for people like John Kerry and several of his other cronies, the electorate doesn't want them to be the man.
At the risk of offending some of my fellow Republicans, I would throw John McCain into that category also.
Every Senator and Representative is now demanding that the President do what he or she wants.
The last time I checked the President was elected to make decisions that affect things like the war in Iraq and the economy.
I don't recall when the minority party of the Congress and its leaders were granted that right.
Liberals are having a hard time not being the "man".
So what is cool about being a conservative?How about pride in the fact that you have worked and gained things by honest means and not government handouts.
Could be that you feel a great deal of gratitude to the ladies and gentlemen who pay the price of our freedom every time they put on their uniform.
I think that it is cool that we don't have to fool people into joining us in our ideas.
We are what we are and we know what we are, no flip-flopping here.
Possibly the coolest thing about being a conservative is that it isn't cool, we face opposition 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Yet we stay focused on the things that make us true conservatives and not the politics that preoccupy our liberal antagonists.
© copyright 2005 glwhite op/eds
Even many of my conservative colleagues would have to agree with me on that one.
That being said, do you ever wonder why being a conservative isn't "cool"?I have pondered the question and have come up with some possible reasons.
To be cool you have to be part of the crowd, following blindly the one's who tell you that you are cool.
This fits squarely into the liberal frame of mind.
Don't ask what we are about; just know that you need us.
A recent fad in this country is what I like to call "Power by Committee".
It is a way in which liberals who were not trusted enough to be elected, are now trying to grab power by forming committees for everything from monitoring hospitals to telling you how you can donate your money to a candidate of your choice.
The come on is always the same.
Find an issue in which you can exploit the poor and uneducated.
Use race to split people into groups and let them feel victimized by the situation.
There is only one problem with this plan voters don't usually buy it.
Thank goodness for that, if not we may have to have committees to oversee the committees and waste even more tax dollars.
Speaking of waste that brings me to my next point.
To be cool you have to offer something.
In liberals case it is welfare and lots of it.
The welfare decline of the Clinton years led to the Disability Social Security boom of the Clinton years.
Many people got off welfare just in time to get their disability checks.
They simply switched entitlements.
Here is an entitlement I'll bet you never hear anything about on the evening news.
It is a backdoor entitlement called Head of Household and Earned Income Credit.
Of course you know these terms from our tax code.
It is a way in which people who make a small income are rewarded with a large tax return.
I have never had a problem with low-income workers getting a full refund if their income falls below a certain mark.
With that being said it makes no sense to give a person that paid in $1500.
00 in taxes a $6000.
00 check.
It's cool to be the "man".
Unfortunately for people like John Kerry and several of his other cronies, the electorate doesn't want them to be the man.
At the risk of offending some of my fellow Republicans, I would throw John McCain into that category also.
Every Senator and Representative is now demanding that the President do what he or she wants.
The last time I checked the President was elected to make decisions that affect things like the war in Iraq and the economy.
I don't recall when the minority party of the Congress and its leaders were granted that right.
Liberals are having a hard time not being the "man".
So what is cool about being a conservative?How about pride in the fact that you have worked and gained things by honest means and not government handouts.
Could be that you feel a great deal of gratitude to the ladies and gentlemen who pay the price of our freedom every time they put on their uniform.
I think that it is cool that we don't have to fool people into joining us in our ideas.
We are what we are and we know what we are, no flip-flopping here.
Possibly the coolest thing about being a conservative is that it isn't cool, we face opposition 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Yet we stay focused on the things that make us true conservatives and not the politics that preoccupy our liberal antagonists.
© copyright 2005 glwhite op/eds