Social Skills for Adults - How to Get Any Woman to Date You
As many of you I came in contact with dating material online. Although initially fascinated by the opportunity to learn a system to fast dating success, I quickly grew tired of the vast amount of dating material available out there. Most of it also seemed useless as it was based on routines or simply made dating too much a theory. Additionally most dating material was based on "indirect game", a less efficient form of approaching. Personal experience taught me that it may often result in flaking or simply much less attraction.
I was only left with the opportunity to sift through as much dating material as possible to find out for myself what works. Most of the material I also tested personally, going out a few times a week with the aim to enhance my very lacking dating skills. Most material to fast dating success did not work, some gave quite embarrassing results.
I did have some true attraction and quite a bit of success previously in my life, yet no stability. Depending on my mood and on outer circumstances my results differed greatly. I needed a plan and a clear understanding why sometimes things worked out smoothly and why other times just no woman even wanted to look at me.
My first true inspiration came about when coming in contact with the material of Carlos Xuma. I recognized that he outlined exactly what has made me successful in the past. Deviation from this behavior led to flaking or rejection. Consuming all his material I got a feel for what additional material I had to look for to get the whole picture of dating. I digged into all sources mentioned by Carlos and also found some of my own. In reality, it worked like a charm, over and over again.
I have spent a considerable amount of time in pulling together the right material for transorming my own life in all social aspects. This knowledge has helped me tremendously in dealing with all sorts of people, be it at work, in private life or in dating. The methods are based on self-respect, self-growth and have a win-win outcome in mind. It also appears to have a huge impact when dealing with people in business, as people often desire to be in business contact. The acquired mindset also helps to deal with emotional vampires and negative people overall.
I have created this site to help all people seeking to improve their social abilities with respect to dating. The site provides a structure and links to relevant dating material, to allow for a quick start in the dating game, using only the most reliable and tested resources for study. A choice of this route also prevents the study of "wrong" material and consequent loss of valuable time. "Wrong" material may seriously harm your progress in the dating game, as it is difficult to unlearn "bad" habits.
My mission is to help as many as I can to improve their social life in general and their dating life in particular. A lack of opportunity with women may cause serious mental distress, which causes you to be much less productive in your life and to lack enjoyment.
Without dating skills most simply focus on the wrong type of things in life, mostly on external possessions and outer validation. Most males think this way and follow this pattern of behavior, being taught so in the media. They believe that such things are necessary to attract females. Following the suggested material you will instead focus on yourself first, by changing beliefs within and caring less about outward matters. Women will then follow automatically. Having success in the dating and personal life will give first and foremost freedom of mind, peacefulness and just happyness overall.
The positive reinforcement cycle already starts with the incorporation of new beliefs and propels to new highs with each new success. Eventually also the whole picture of dating becomes very clear. Yet, to eventually see the simplicity of dating, it is first necessary to gain an understanding of the major components.
I urge you to start today and not to wait to tomorrow, for fast dating success does not come without effort.
If you keep pushing yourself, you will eventually see results. Once this happens, the positive feedback loop starts. More information on which sources to study can be found at
Your fast track to dating success,
For more information on alpha traits to effortlessly attract the most beautiful women click on the promotional links in the article. By suscribing to the newsletter you get the opportunity to stay up to date regarding the newest relevant resources. This way you rest assured to not study the "wrong" type of material. I am already looking forward to working with you on improving your dating life and to making you a much happier person overall. The content is purely informational and does not involve any charge from my part.
I was only left with the opportunity to sift through as much dating material as possible to find out for myself what works. Most of the material I also tested personally, going out a few times a week with the aim to enhance my very lacking dating skills. Most material to fast dating success did not work, some gave quite embarrassing results.
I did have some true attraction and quite a bit of success previously in my life, yet no stability. Depending on my mood and on outer circumstances my results differed greatly. I needed a plan and a clear understanding why sometimes things worked out smoothly and why other times just no woman even wanted to look at me.
My first true inspiration came about when coming in contact with the material of Carlos Xuma. I recognized that he outlined exactly what has made me successful in the past. Deviation from this behavior led to flaking or rejection. Consuming all his material I got a feel for what additional material I had to look for to get the whole picture of dating. I digged into all sources mentioned by Carlos and also found some of my own. In reality, it worked like a charm, over and over again.
I have spent a considerable amount of time in pulling together the right material for transorming my own life in all social aspects. This knowledge has helped me tremendously in dealing with all sorts of people, be it at work, in private life or in dating. The methods are based on self-respect, self-growth and have a win-win outcome in mind. It also appears to have a huge impact when dealing with people in business, as people often desire to be in business contact. The acquired mindset also helps to deal with emotional vampires and negative people overall.
I have created this site to help all people seeking to improve their social abilities with respect to dating. The site provides a structure and links to relevant dating material, to allow for a quick start in the dating game, using only the most reliable and tested resources for study. A choice of this route also prevents the study of "wrong" material and consequent loss of valuable time. "Wrong" material may seriously harm your progress in the dating game, as it is difficult to unlearn "bad" habits.
My mission is to help as many as I can to improve their social life in general and their dating life in particular. A lack of opportunity with women may cause serious mental distress, which causes you to be much less productive in your life and to lack enjoyment.
Without dating skills most simply focus on the wrong type of things in life, mostly on external possessions and outer validation. Most males think this way and follow this pattern of behavior, being taught so in the media. They believe that such things are necessary to attract females. Following the suggested material you will instead focus on yourself first, by changing beliefs within and caring less about outward matters. Women will then follow automatically. Having success in the dating and personal life will give first and foremost freedom of mind, peacefulness and just happyness overall.
The positive reinforcement cycle already starts with the incorporation of new beliefs and propels to new highs with each new success. Eventually also the whole picture of dating becomes very clear. Yet, to eventually see the simplicity of dating, it is first necessary to gain an understanding of the major components.
I urge you to start today and not to wait to tomorrow, for fast dating success does not come without effort.
If you keep pushing yourself, you will eventually see results. Once this happens, the positive feedback loop starts. More information on which sources to study can be found at
Your fast track to dating success,
For more information on alpha traits to effortlessly attract the most beautiful women click on the promotional links in the article. By suscribing to the newsletter you get the opportunity to stay up to date regarding the newest relevant resources. This way you rest assured to not study the "wrong" type of material. I am already looking forward to working with you on improving your dating life and to making you a much happier person overall. The content is purely informational and does not involve any charge from my part.